This will be the most surrealist US-Russian summit in history


If they are making progress against expectations, then the president's critics may have to eat their words. Even if the talks thaw the dialogue to a lower level, they may be worthwhile.

Yet diplomatic overtures worthy of the name will surprise the bewildering spectacle of the most unusual US-Russian summit in history

. with the man accused of having orchestrated a daring operation of electoral interference to set it up, a few days after the indictment of Russian intelligence agents by his own Ministry of Justice, the US president brandished a "witch hunt". "

It is not even clear that Trump will reprimand Putin for such an assault on American sovereignty and democracy – despite the fact that the staggering charges give him considerable weight


" I'm going there with very low expectations, I think that getting along with Russia is a good thing, but it's possible we're not doing it, "Trump told CBS News in an interview.

So it is no wonder that Democrats and some Republicans are wondering why the summit is still going on, especially because the administration has not given a clear idea of ​​the situation. "Agenda and possible outcomes of a confict that Trump has been wanting for months." There are fears in Washington that the US President will fling great concessions in a complete mismatch with the prepared and cunning Russian veteran. 19659003] The insistence of Trump su r an individual meeting with Putin without the present senior assistants refocused It is curious that Trump often appears more in step with Putin's views than those of his own government over the former KGB agent and intelligence chief. Crimea, the unity of the Western alliance, the probe of the special council and the democratic foundations like the freedom of the press and the international institutions

In an unfavorable atmosphere, it is unlikely that another president still meets Putin. Trump's decision to go ahead has still left US officials in trouble.

Before Trump left for Europe, the US ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, said: "I think we have a peak at this level."

But on Sunday, he undermined its own expectations

"This is not a summit, I heard it called a summit, it's a meeting," said Huntsman on "Meet the Press." of the NBC, calling the sit-down a first chance to defuse the bubbling tensions

Presidents who can not wait to meet

  With Putin, Trump insists that he will be With Putin, Trump insists that he will be different and different

There is no doubt that the summit is advancing simply because Trump and Putin want it.

Trump relishes the peculiarities of international plays in which he plays the role of the world. the house with strong men like Putin, Kim Jong Un from North Korea or Xi Jinping from China, without being encumbered by international institutions, allies or American traditional foreign policy.

Putin enters the final Cup final in Russia. He can use it to reinforce the legitimacy of his autocratic rule at home, showing that he has restored Russia to a status of great power after the humiliation of the Soviet collapse.

As a bonus, he watched this week as president The United States decreed the abolition of divisions between the United States and their NATO allies, insulting American friends such as the United States. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May, and intensifying the polarization of American politics.

And he gets to greet the president privately. It may be that the rest of the world never knows the content of the meeting, given the propensity of both men to hide the truth.

Trump's arguments – as he has repeatedly pointed out during his trip to Europe – "In a sense, we are competitors … he's not my enemy and I'm 39, hope that someone, perhaps will be a friend, "said the president. said in Brussels last week.

In Montana this month, Trump is mocked by the idea that Putin was an enemy dedicated to zero-sum combat with the United States

"Do you know what? We're people, "he said

Trump's attitude marks a radical change from the attitude of his two predecessors.The former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have both privately declared that even though they hoped to forge cooperation with Putin, they saw it motivated by deep resentment and even paranoia about the United States.

Perhaps, therefore, Putin's treatment as an equal of the US president could actually work and validate Trump's approach.

But many experts believe that he underestimates the Russian leader, especially after saying before leaving the United States that Putin's meeting would be the "easiest" part of his trip. [19659003]

For Putin, read Kim

The Trump Critics Are worried that Putin has evaluated Trump's summit with Kim in Singapore while he's trying to outsmart the president in Helsinki.

note that Trump offered a significant concession to Kim – a halt of US military exercises with South Korea, with little return, let alone a verifiable commitment to dismantle Pyongyang's nuclear program [19659003"TrumpgaveupalotandreceivedabsolutelynothingfromtheNorthKoreans"saidKennethAdelmanaformerchiefweaponsnegotiatorattheUS-SovietsummitwithPresidentRonaldReagan

"I think Putin will Wonderful in this respect. "Oh my god, we had such good relationships, we get along so well" – that's all that Trump really wants, "Adelman told CND Don Lemon on Friday.

Washington is afraid that Putin can convince Trump to hand over areas of Syria to Russian client Bashar al-Assad, in a way that will benefit Iran, because of his eagerness to bring American troops back to the House.

In Europe, allies fear that Trump may agree to degrade military maneuvers, even if he has endorsed an alliance The communique underlining the harmful influence of Russia has fueled additional defense spending by dragging Member States.

And after Trump had evoked the possibility of the annexation of Crimea by Putin, his rhetoric

The main topic of discussion could be how Putin and Trump navigate the storm of electoral interference.

Trump pledged on Friday to raise the issue but repeatedly stated that he knew that Putin would not deny his participation. The charges brought Friday by special advocate Robert Mueller increase political pressure on Trump, they have not changed his attitude towards the investigation.

He now blames the special adviser for the tortured state of relations with Russia.

I think we are greatly embarrassed by this witch hunt taking place in the United States, the witch hunt in Russia, the rigged situation, "Trump told CBS

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Putin knows that the President is under intense pressure and has little interest in seeing him more damaged – so it is he could offer public recognition that some Russian hackers might have transgressed or qualified the election of interference as daily spying.

Russian officials often paraphrase the president's own rhetoric in an apparent effort to offer Trump's validation for his complaints that he rarely

Republican ally of Trump, the Republican senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, asked if Russian requests for confessions were worth it.

"I really think we take our answer if we think it's a question of responsibility, the Russians, they're another country, they're going to spy on us, they're spying on us," Paul said on Sunday. CNN's "State of the Union".

But Democratic Representative Adam Schiff said that Putin was essentially a "co-conspirator not charged" in the Russian probe

Donald Trump and Trump basically say that the charge is only a matter of fact. a witch hunt, "he said, also on CNN's" The State of the Union. "" It's a great gift for Vladimir. Putin. "

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