This woman & # 39; lucky & # 39; found a frog in his supermarket lettuce – and this is not the first time that she has 'extra'.


A Cornish woman was almost left with a frog in her throat after the lettuce she'd bought at an Aldi store this weekend contained the tiny green amphibian.

37-year-old Shevaughan Tolputt was slightly surprised to see the tiny creature jumping around her 39p bag British Lettuce at the Redruth supermarket Saturday

Ms. Tolputt of Carn Brae tweeted Aldi to inform them of the 39; incident of craze, and said that it was not the first time that she was receiving a

She said that she did not know if she was a " lucky or unlucky customer 'since in March she found a stone in her beef soup in pieces

  Shevaughan Tolputt found a frog in her lettuce Aldi
Shevaughan Tolputt found a frog in her lettuce Aldi

However, Ms. Tolputt said that she is "good nature to see the funny side of it" and congratulated Aldi for their customer service.

She added, "I saw something There was a small pair of eyes looking at me.He was really small.

" I yelled at my husband and he put it in a tupperware container.

"He was fine, he did not look sick, let's hope to have him in the fridge for a few hours did not hurt him."

Ms. Tolputt and her husband Released the frog in a field near a stream.

"Ms. Tolputt stated that her husband was" just as surprised as she was "and that her family and friends found her" hilarious "

. Worker said: "I spoke to the Aldi Customer Service team and they are studying the issue.

" As it's an open product, they do not know when he entered the production line.

Ms. Tolputt tweeted the video with the caption "What to do when you find a frog in your lettuce? #YouGetExtraAtAldi "

An Aldi spokesperson said:" We are sorry to hear about Ms. Tolputt's experience and offered her a full refund.

"This type of incident, although extremely rare, can naturally occur with fresh produce."

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