Thomas Markle urges the royal family to go out of "silent mode"


Thomas Markle goes back on his word to stop talking to the press

Just two days after telling The Sun on Sunday he was doing his "last interview", the father of Meghan Markle. responded to TMZ in response to reports that his daughter and Prince Harry were unhappy that he returned to the press in exchange for money.

"I kept quiet for a year and the press beat me every day saying: was a hermit who was hiding in Mexico, so I told my story", he says. "Apparently, this interview put the royal family in their mode of silence … so, I gave another interview to break the silence.All they have to do is talk to me."

Before speaking to The Sun Thomas appeared on the United Kingdom Good Morning Britain in June to discuss his phone calls. Harry, Meghan's desire to have children and the "disappointment" of the couple he missed the royal wedding.

Thomas also told TMZ that he was not planning to disappear.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, 74, and I appreciate the fact that I can make sure that all the royal family does not speak and maybe I can laugh at the duchess" , he said

  Meghan Markle and Thomas Markle

Meghan Markle and Thomas Markle [19659009] Samir Hussein / WireImage, Good Morning Britain / ITV

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Thomas says The Sun that he does not think his daughter has the more ease in adapting to his new role as a member of the royal family.

"What I think of my daughter right now is that I think she's is terrified, I see him in his eyes, I see him in his face and I see him in his smile, "he said. "I have seen her smile for years, I know her smile, I do not like the one I see now.This one is not even a stage smile – that 's all. is a painful smile. "

However, Priyanka Chopra recently told PEOPLE that her close friend loved her new life as a royal

. the actress, who was part of the list of starred guests at the couple's wedding. "It's so nice to see."

  Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

PA Images /

In the same interview with the Sun, Thomas admitted that he had not spoken to his daughter since the wedding of May 19.

"I spoke briefly to Meghan and Harry after the wedding," he told the publication, adding that "the phone number that I had called Meghan no longer picking up. I do not have address for her. "

" It's probably the longest time I've been without talking to him ever, "he said. "If I had a message for her, it would be that I regret everything that is wrong."

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