Thomas Thomas Fined $ 30,000 for a Telephone Celebration


The NFL has fined $ 30,000 for fined $ 30,000 for using a mobile phone as an accessory and a mobile device near the bench, a source told Adam Schefter d & # 39; ESPN.

Thomas recalled the memorable celebration of 2003's former receiver of Saints Joe Horn by recovering a hidden cell phone at the bottom of a goal post. Horn was also fined $ 30,000 for his celebration 15 years ago, but it was his second violation of the season.

Thomas's cell phone celebration followed a 72-yard touchdown that sealed the Saints' 45-35 victory over the undefeated Rams and gave Thomas 12 catches for 211 yards. Thomas was penalized for the celebration.

When asked if anyone had helped install the phone, Thomas replied, "Uh, I think someone … I think Joe Horn left it."

"I paid tribute to him, I tried to make the crowd go a step further, set the tone, have fun, give a show to people," Thomas said. "You have to have fun, all these guys get touched and celebrate with each other, have fun, engage the crowd, I felt like I had the opportunity to do it, to put away the match and make a call. "

Horn told ESPN that the gesture "absolutely" meant a lot to him. Horn said that he had texted Thomas and had "thanked him for doing what most athletes in his position would never do."

Mike Triplett of ESPN contributed to this report.

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