Thor and Rocket have almost fought the Giant Snakes in "Avengers: Infinity War".


Although the film focuses on the most powerful heroes of the Earth, Avengers: Infinity War Thor's mythology expanded considerably when he teamed up with Rocket Raccoon and Groot for a trip to Nidavellir. But they have almost faced huge and ferocious enemies that Marvel Comics fans will recognize.

In The art of the Avengers: war in the infinite book (which you can buy here), an illustration shows that Thor and Rocket join forces in an epic battle with two gigantic snakes, which seem to have been inspired by the Midgard Serpent.

(Photo: The art of the Avengers: the war in the infinite)

In Norse mythology, the snake is known as Jörmungandr and is so large that it winds around Midgard, lying in the ocean and holding its own tail. It is said that Ragnarök's prophecy begins when she releases her tail, triggering an epic final battle with Thor.

All this prophecy has been changed to Thor: Ragnarok, which did not involve snakes, so it is likely that Avengers: Infinity War would have taken some liberties by adapting the iconic creature.

Although it would have been cool to see Thor and Rocket fight against a pair of giant snakes, it would have undermined the film's main plot. In addition, Thor went through a much more emotional journey in his attempt to obtain a weapon capable of killing Thanos.

And although this quest really put Thor to the test, he finally failed. He failed to bring the fatal blow to Thanos, who then proceeded to the elimination of half his existence. Which, of course, had to happen since Thanos was the main character of the film.

"Thanos is hidden in the shadows with the desire to get these Infinity Stones, which have played an important role in our other films," said Feige in Marvel Studios: The first ten years. "We introduced the Tesseract, which turned out to be the stone of space; the mental stone, coming out of the scepter of Loki then on the forehead of Vision; and the stone of time: the eye of Agamotto that Dr. Strange wears is a stone of infinity itself! And of course, the Guardians have dealt with the power stone.

"So, these storytelling devices that we've developed in each movie will continue to play a role and come together – we've been teasing this for six years – it's long to tease something before you pay." naughty of our movies. "

We'll see if Thanos will take revenge – and maybe fight a giant snake – Avengers 4, premiere in cinemas on May 3, 2019.

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