Thor transforms Stormbreaker for a big canon in the conceptual art of the first infinite war


Thanos could have been shot with the giant weapon of Thor, according to the artistic concept of Infinity War. The god of thunder almost exchanged Stormbreak for a weapon in the latest Avengers movie, as shown in the upcoming Marvel Avengers movie: War of Infinity – The art of the movie book. The book previously lit up a bit of light on what Steve Rogers would look like in the movie, which was pretty close to how he appeared in the final cut, but with a very different outfit.

Wonder Avengers: Infinity War – The film's art presents a number of different looks for Thor in the film. Some are close to what we have finally seen on the big screen, while others are radically different. For example, there is a suit that has a lot of white color and looks like silver armor. Some versions of the combination are simple and others much more complex. That said, they undoubtedly determined the best look for the final version.

In addition to the various Thor suits, there are different versions of Stormbreaker, as well as a design that shows the god of thunder with a large space cannon. The design of the combination seems pretty close to what we saw in War of Infinityalthough the character still has the headband over the eyes and the longer hair of what we ended up seeing. Although the weapon seems out of place, it fits well with Thor: Ragnarok since Hela destroyed the Mjolnir hammer, leaving Thor without his powers.

Taika Waititi justified the use of firearms in Thor: Ragnarok because of Mjolnir's loss and noted that Thor was at his lowest point, something that the character overcomes in War of Infinity with the help of Rocket and Groot's Guardians of the Galaxy. Although this was consistent with the previous story, seeing Thor with a firearm would have been a bit daunting, especially now that we know how the Stormbreaker Ax arrived and how it connected the Guardians to the Avengers.

Thor will be seen in Avengers 4 Then he may be more than upset that he did not go straight to Thanos's head when he had a choice. In pronouncing his revenge speech, the Mad Titan was able to snap his fingers and dust off half of the universe. As Thor recovered his mojo after almost losing everything, he lost it again. However, it is thought that he will have a second chance against Thanos to reverse the events of War of Infinity. The character might even decide to use a gun this time. For the moment, we will have to wait and see. You can check out the many versions of the Thor suit below, as well as the gun below, provided by AkaSpidey Twitter Account.

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