Thousands gather in D.C. to mourn 11 killed at Tree of Life synagogue


The elected leaders of the District, Maryland and Virginia addressed an overflowing crowd of thousands of Washingtonians on Monday night, as they decried the anti-Semitism of the Jews in Pittsburgh on Saturday.

At Adas Israel synagogue, Mayor D. Muriel E. Bowser (D), Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) joined Jewish congregants and clergy of many faiths in singing.

The 1,400-seat sanctuary was one of the largest congested congregations, and organizers of the memorial service said that 2,500 more people were watching the synagogue as possible.

The line stretched down the block; many more could not fit in the building. Hundreds stood outside, where Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.) Spoke and people sang "Oseh shalom," "make peace," while flashing blue lights.

Those in the blood, sober and listened to speeches both sermonic and angry by political leaders and leaders of the Jewish community.

"This past weekend, people in our nation were murdered for the sake of their loved ones, for what they believe, for being Jews," said Bowser, standing in front of 11 memorial candles at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. The accused gunman, Robert Bowers, is said to have shouted, "All Jews must die."

To Washington's Jews, Bowser said, "We love you, we're sorry, we're sorry about your society.

Both governors drew upon traditional Jewish teachings in their remarks, hitting emotionally resonant chords for many in the sanctuary. Northam concluded with the customary words, "May their memories be a blessing."

Hogan quoted Holocaust survivor and activist Elie Wiesel and spoke of the Hebrew prayer for mourners, the kaddish, which does not speak of death. "It serves us better, because it's a good thing, because it's a good thing," he said.

While the politicians channeled their inner rabbi, it fell to a Jewish leader to give the most fiery political speech of the event.

"What is happening in our America? . . . Unfortunately, this was entirely predictable. Anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry have been normalized, Ron Halber said, crescendoing to a shout as he called for gun control and other policy solutions. "Something has become rotten in America's moral fiber, in our society. And we must take America back. "

When Halber declared that Jews will not be frightened out of their synagogues – "We will not be cower!" – he prompted the first standing ovation of the night. The crowd standing again for a leader of HIAS, the Jewish agency whose work was cited by the alleged shooter, and when more than 100 clergy – half of the Jewish rabbis and cantors recitation of the kaddish.

This type of service, Adas Israel's Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt reminded the participants, was the type that the victims killed at the Tree of Life synagogue would have attended, and enriched. They were regular attendees of their synagogue who volunteered, led services and welcomed newcomers.

"They are the Jews," Holtzblatt said. "They are the ones who show up, always. You all know them, too. You may be one of them. "

The room full of those people, the faithful members of Jewish communities and their throngs of fans, wept and embraced.

Sarah Kaplan and Lisa Bonos contributed to this report.

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