Thousands of people participate in the More Than Pink Walk in Miami


MIAMI – Thousands of people participated in the more than Susan G. Komen walk on Saturday morning in downtown Miami, for the benefit of breast cancer research.

The event is in its 23rd year and the Miami race is one of the largest in the country and certainly the most important in South Florida.

The money raised is used to fund breast cancer treatments and diagnostic tools through the Susan G. Komen Foundation, to improve the lives of people with breast cancer and to strengthen efforts. of prevention.

Breast cancer is not just a female problem.

"It's all about support. Part of the process is to make sure that they have the support of the family, that you are behind them and that you have to cheer them up when they go through such difficult times, with all the medical care, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. that they spend, "said participant Marc Torres.

At least $ 10,000 was raised during the walk to help patients and survivors.

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