Thousands rush for measles vaccine as epidemic spreads to 8 suspected cases


The people of Ocean County have visited a free vaccination clinic in response to a growing measles epidemic after another suspect case was reported to health officials.

More than 2,500 measles vaccines were administered this week in Ocean County, while an eighth suspected case reported Thursday was monitored, officials said.

Free vaccines have been distributed from CHEMED Health Center and the Ocean Health Initiative from Monday to Thursday, said Daniel Regenye, Chief Health Officer, Ocean County Department of Health.

"We encourage people to get vaccinated," he said. "It will go a long way in protecting against a very contagious disease."

While most people born after 1957 receive two doses of measles vaccine at age four, others are not, for religious or medical reasons, or because they immigrated from a country where the vaccine is rare.

Health officials also encourage children to follow an accelerated vaccination schedule against MMR.

Rather than receiving the first dose of the vaccine at 1 year and the second between 4 and 6 years, Regenye urged parents to vaccinate their child at six months and receive the second dose 28 days later.

"These are really the most vulnerable, young children.This will go a long way towards protecting the child.If the child is exposed to measles, it may be that it takes on a shape benign, "he said.

The Océan County Department of Health is still waiting for the results of the eight suspected Center for Disease Control tests.

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The eighth suspected case was reported Thursday, noted Regenye.

"We hope to get these results soon so that we can put in place the appropriate sanitary measures to contain the epidemic at this stage," he added.

The first Lakewood case involved a person who went to Israel and contracted the disease. It was reported to the Océan County Department of Health on October 26th.

CHEMED Health Center has set up an outdoor sorting tent to treat those who think they have measles.

People with measles symptoms, including fever, cough, pink eye and rash that usually start on the face and neck and spread elsewhere, are advised to consult a health care provider prior to seeking treatment.

Sophie Nieto-Munoz can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her to @snietomunoz. Find on Facebook.

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