Three men arrested for assault and armed robbery in a clash after the speech of the founder of the far-right group


Three men were arrested Friday in New York for assault and robbery following a violent clash as a result of a speech delivered by the founder of the group "Proud Boys", a group of young men and women. extreme right composed only of men.

The New York Police Department confirmed in an email to The Hill that Kai Russo, Caleb Perkins and Finbarr Slonim were arrested after clashes on Friday after a speech by Proud Boys' founder and co-founder of Vice Media. Gavin McInnes at the Metropolitan Republican Club. Perkins was also accused of having resisted an arrest.

Police said there were no serious injuries, adding that the department was reviewing additional videos "and other evidence" to determine if any other crimes had been committed. If so, the police said she would identify the perpetrators and make further arrests "as needed".

The videos posted on YouTube show altercations between the Proud Boys and groups protesting against McInnes' speech.

"The NYPD has opened an in-depth investigation into the Proud Boy attack last night.If you know anything, the NYPD wants your help.Hate is never welcome in New York and we will punish at maximum officials – that they have punched or incited violence – Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, tweeted Saturday.

New York State Attorney General Barbara Underwood tweeted: "I am disturbed and disgusted by last night's attacks involving the so-called" Proud Boys "."

"Hatred has no place in New York, and this requires an immediate and thorough investigation by the NYPD to bring the perpetrators to justice," she added.

The police did not respond to The Hill's inquiries as to whether any of the three people arrested were involved in the "Proud Boys" organization or in the ranks of those protesting the visit. from McInnes.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) also issued a statement Saturday night warning the organization "Proud Boys" against future acts of violence.

"The authorities must watch these videos immediately, make arrests and prosecute if necessary," Cuomo said in a statement. Here's a message from a queen boy to the so-called "proud boys" – New York has a zero tolerance for your BS. "

The police were looking for two men earlier in the day who had vandalized the Republican club.

The individuals were seen around 1:45 am, breaking windows, according to a local CBS affiliate. According to the point of sale, the suspects sprayed graffiti on the door and left a note promising further destruction.

"Our attack is only a beginning. We are not passive, we are not polite and we will not apologize, "reads the message.

"It's an act of political violence committed by cowards in the middle of the night," said Ed Cox, president of the Republican Party of New York, at the vandalism branch. "There is no doubt about what they intended to do."

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