Three mom's ovarian cyst reached 20 pounds and finally disappeared after 5 years


After a woman's ovarian cyst reached a "growth spurt," her abdomen appeared to be six months pregnant. It had taken five years before finally removing the tumor from 20 pounds. ( Daniel Reche | pixabay )

A mother of three is having a 20-pound cyst removed after living in pain and discomfort for five years. What are the cysts of the ovary?

20-pound cyst "Growth"

Five years ago, a 32-year-old mother of three, Ashley Walden, went to the doctor's office when she felt pain in her abdomen and was diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst. She then gained weight and the pain even got worse. In six months, Walden seemed six months pregnant, but every pregnancy test she'd taken was negative.

It was when the pain suffered so much that she had to go to the ER that doctors told her that the cyst had a "growth spurt" and that she had grown up in six months. At the Vanderbilt Women's Medical Center at NorthCrest Medical Center, Dr. Shana Dowell, an OB / gynecologist, told Walden that she needed to be operated on immediately, but she canceled her appointments twice because of her nerves. For the past five years, Walden has lived with the pain and discomfort brought on by the massive cyst.

Last week, Dr. Dowell finally managed to eliminate Walden's massive ovarian cyst, which turned out to be 20 pounds. Walden was obviously struggling to walk down the hall, and she expressed gratitude to Dr. Dowell for finally eliminating the massive cyst that had been causing her pain for years.

In hindsight, Walden wanted the cyst removed earlier and encourages other women to make their health a priority. Similarly, Dr. Dowell also encourages women to have regular checkups and speak immediately to their doctors if they have concerns.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are pockets or bags filled with fluid in the ovary or on its surface. These ovarian growths are often benign or non-cancerous and many women develop ovarian cysts during their lifetime. Often they have few or no symptoms and may even go away in a few months, but others may require treatment or even surgery.

It is particularly dangerous for health in case of rupture of the cyst. This is why it is important to conduct regular checkups and pelvic checks to detect potentially serious health issues. In particular, large ovarian cysts can cause bloating, pelvic pain and a feeling of satiety or heaviness in the abdomen.

If you experience sudden and severe abdominal or pelvic pain, vomiting and fever, as well as shock symptoms such as fast breathing, cold, clammy skin and dizziness or weakness, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

There is no known way to prevent ovarian cysts. This is why it is important to pay attention to your menstrual cycles and to note any strange changes that may be of concern, especially if they persist for more than a few months.

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