Three thrilling travel vloggers were killed in a waterfall accident


Three young adventurers were killed earlier this week when they fell from the third highest waterfall in British Columbia, Canada. Social media personalities were known for posting great videos and photos of prowess and travel.

The vloggers were part of the "High On Life" travel collective whose YouTube videos invited viewers to explore the world outside their comfort zone. More than a million fans have followed them on Instagram, reports Kenneth Craig of CBS News.

Ryker Gamble, Alexey Lyakh and his girlfriend, Megan Scraper, died after accidentally diving nearly 100 feet above a Canadian waterfall on Tuesday. According to authorities, the three swam in one of the pools at the top of Shannon Falls and walked along a ledge before falling.

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Ryker Gamble (left) and Alexey Lyakh and his girlfriend Megan Scraper (right)

Scraper reportedly slipped after John Wilcox, of Squamish Search and Rescue, first aid and both men were also washed away, which complicated the recovery of the bodies.]
"It's a beautiful region, but with this comes a fairly severe terrain and unless people are educated, equipped, trained to access some of these areas, there is a significant potential risk, "said Wilcox., Gamble, Lyakh and another member of "High On Life" was banished from US federal lands after pleading guilty to viola four national parks. The three who were killed made their living on social networks traveling around the world. Scraper said that it was a life that most people could only dream of.

In an emotional message, the remaining members of the group remember their friends.

To our friends and family by
High on the life on

"They lived every day fully, they defended positivity, courage and lived the best possible life, and they shared and taught their values ​​to millions of people around the world," said one of the members. .

In this video, these friends continued to encourage fans to share their own stories about how "High On Life" inspired them. Tributes have been made on social media.

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