Throngs of volunteers join search for Jayme Closs, missing 13-year-old girl


BARRON, Wis. – A Wisconsin Sheriff called for volunteers to help search for 13-year old Jayme Closs, who went missing eight days ago, the same day her parents were found shot to death in their home. The volunteers came from as far as northern Wisconsin and Minnesota to join in the search.

Twin sisters Claudia Beckman and Colleen Jefferson also volunteered to take the lead, Beckman put it.

Two Dead Child Missing

Volunteers cross a creek and barbed wire near Barron, Wis., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018, on their way to a ground search for 13-year-old Jayme Closs.

Jeff Baenen / AP

"Or to find her," Jefferson added. "You just do everything you can."

On Monday, Chris Sheriff Fitzgerald put out a call for 2,000 volunteers. By morning, the line of cars stretched over the horizon.

Across an area of ​​five square miles, through soybeans, corn fields and thick woods, the volunteers scanned the ground for any bit of evidence.

There are still no suspects as investigators run down 1,300 tips. Billboards have gone up as far as New York, and two types of cars that may have been involved.

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<p>                                            Barron County Sheriff's Dept.
<p>But for the thousands of searchers, their most powerful investigative tool is faith. </p>
<p>"I know her parents are up in heaven watching and going," "Thank you, thank you, keep looking, keep looking," Beckman said.</p>
<p>CBS News spoke to the sheriff, who says the search has not yet produced any new evidence. But he said he's confident Jayme Closs will be found.</p>
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