Ticketmaster accused of collusion with scalpers


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Ticketmaster was essentially accused of colluding with scalpers – and collecting a double registration fee – as part of a week-long survey released Tuesday by the CBC and the Toronto Star.

The outlets sent two undercover reporters to a live conference in July, where Ticketmaster representatives featured them on TradeDesk, the company's proprietary platform for reselling tickets.

The platform allows resellers to buy tickets in bulk from the Ticketmaster site and resell them for higher prices. Ticketmaster takes into account a percentage of the prices according to their assessment of the demand.

While Ticketmaster has started high profile lawsuits against blatant bots and profiteers on the secondary market – including his own Fan Fan program recently used by Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Swift and others – the report captures a camera representative saying The team will turn a blind eye when such practices take place on its own platforms.

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