Tiger eater in India killed with the help of Calvin Klein perfume


A tiger in India with a taste for human flesh was shot after a two-year hunt. According to New York Times, The tiger woman, named T-1 by the ranger, reportedly killed at least 13 people before being shot dead on Friday.

Hunters were supposed to use tranquilizers. The officials hoped to take the animal alive because she had two small ones. The six-year-old cat, however, reportedly roared and allegedly charged the patrol vehicle outdoors after being hit by a dart of tranquilizer at short range, causing a hunter to shoot him with a deadly bullet in his stomach.

The tigress reportedly started killing people in 2016, resulting in a mass hunt involving hundreds of people, drones in search of heat, remote cameras and a group of elite rifles mounted on their backs. specially trained elephants.

Hunters have also used a popular Calvin Klein scent to trap the animal. An Obsession bottle of cologne was used to lure the animal before killing him. Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men contains civetone, a compound originally derived from the fragrant glands of a civet, but it is now synthetically produced. Civetone reportedly drove big cats in the wild. They ride there, take huge sniffs and smell it.

In the picture, a tiger walking.




"Whatever it is, cats love it. They really, really roll and scrub their cheeks and they just look like they're in paradise, "said Louise Ginman, feline expert American scientist.

Last month, the rangers sprayed Obsession on shrubs in hopes of attracting the tiger. On Friday afternoon, they again injected perfume and tiger urine into an area where the killer tiger was hiding. After a few hours, the villagers saw the tiger trotting along the road and the authorities sent teams to evacuate. The hunters finally spotted the tiger and identified it as the T-1 because of its stripes. Tiger stripes serve as fingerprints to identify an animal, each pattern being unique.

Villagers welcomed the news of the death of the tiger with fireworks, parties and sweets, but animal rights advocates condemned the killing of the animal, describing it as a murder in cold blood. The hunters, however, defended the decision to kill the animal, claiming that it had been done in self defense. "We would have lost some men if we tried to save her," said Nawab Shafath Ali Khan, the hunter's father who killed the tiger.

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