Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson Will Be Called A Success If That Happens


It's not so much golf shooting as the time between them that will make or break the match.

Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson spent the weeks and months leading up to Friday's $ 19.99 pay-per-view showdown in the garbage, through the media, trying to keep the buzz alive. It's their personality, not their drivers, that will make the fans vibrate or shrug their shoulders on Saturday morning.

"They have the personalities to cover something like that," said Ernie Johnson, who will play game after game.

"I would not suggest doing a basketball matchup between Tim Duncan and Kawhi Leonard with them because they are fit because you will not hear anything. Phil and Tiger get it both.

Woods and Mickelson admitted that their personal rivalry was not quite what they were when they were both in the test. The $ 9 million bet and the frequent betting will have to compensate for the hostility, even if some people wonder how much this money represents for two extremely rich people.

"What we are going to do will bring to the viewer something that he has never seen before," Johnson said. "I finished the PGA since 1995 and I know it's sometimes possible to get a little bit of code between a player and a caddy. This is going to be two players, two caddies all correspond long. The cover will be very different from what you usually see. It's going to be a lot more intimate. "

Turner Sports has done everything in its power to make this event an event not to be missed. Peter Jacobsen and Darren Clarke will accompany Johnson on the stand with Shane Bacon and Natalie Gulbis on the course.

That's two analysts, two journalists, two golfers and caddies.

"My idea is that the less you get news, the better," said Johnson. "I want to hear Darren how it was to beat Tiger Woods in match play in 2000. I think we're going to be like people sitting in their living room talking about the same thing they're talking about between shots. .

"At the same time, we want to have an ear on what [caddie] Joey [LaCava] talk to Tiger about. … It's not like we have to be scared on these walks to say our own thing for fear of missing what Tiger and Phil said. We will come back to it. It's just before and after a shot, it's when you have to shut up. This is where we need to step back and let that thing breathe. One of the main selling points of all this is the hearing of players and caddies. "

There will also be a pre-game show with Pat Perez, Samuel L. Jackson and Charles Barkley, PGA pro. HBO hosted a 24/7 show with Mickelson and Woods preparing for the match at Shadow Creek in Las Vegas.

The success of the event will be judged not only by the sales, but also by the number of people who talk about "The Match" the next day. If they have the excitement of making money, this could be more than a one – time event. However, it would be difficult to determine whether the potential success was solely due to these two players or whether a Woods-Rory McIlroy match, for example, could also be a moneymaker.

"If there is a positive reaction, TV officials will rush on," Johnson said. "You will oppose it a bit because there are people who say to themselves:" I would have looked if it was 11 years ago "and other stuff.

"They are the two biggest names in golf for 20 years. They never played in match-play, they will do it on Friday. And if you like the game of golf and want to see two of the best of all time, then watch it and listen to it and steal a few lines that you can use with your foursome. "

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