Tim Allen, star of "Last Man Standing", makes fun of the small window of the sense of humor of the liberals


With the return of "Last Man Standing" on Fox, Tim Allen has the opportunity to continue doing what he likes, presenting an alternative point of view in comedy. In a recent interview, the actor explains the political cleavage in America and must answer the opinions expressed by his character.

After six successful seasons for ABC, ABC has ended its presence on the sitcom. Many have wondered if Mike Baxter's personal politics had anything to do with the network's decision to suppress the humor show leaning to the right. The series is back on Fox for season 7, while Allen and the writers have not hesitated to distort what he sees as a sensitive American left.

"I said there was nothing, especially in this area, that annoys people more than a very funny curator. An intelligent and funny curator who takes pictures and is certainly erased. The left-wing point of view is so ubiquitous that they do not even realize it's a point of view. It's just a point of view, "Allen said in an interview with IndieWire. "I think this character likes that, he likes to have another point of view. This makes it sharper and more interesting. But we do not push it. I do not think we've ever mentioned the advantages or disadvantages of Trump. "

Despite his tendency to upset the general consensus on what is funny and politically correct, Allen admits it's difficult when fans associate his personal convictions with those of the character he embodies.

"I did an interview and I said," Are you asking this question to Mike Baxter, because you heard something about the Clintons that the writers had written? "People who are full of themselves. The Liberals have very little humor, so I love doing it. Two years ago, it was the Conservatives, or whatever. But currently, liberals, especially progressives, are hiding behind broad concepts. If you do not agree with them, if you do not agree with that position, you hate women, you hate homosexuals, and you hate people who are in favor of choice, whatever. And I said it was wrong.

In the past, Allen has said he wants to represent a conservative American on the screen in a sitcom. However, he also stated that he also did not want "Last Man Standing" to be a completely political show, but rather a comedy about the family.

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