Tim Cook lambastes Bloomberg for iCloud spy chip report, calls for retraction


Apple CEO Tim Cook has uncharacteristically commented on the Bloomberg report that claimed that the Chinese had inserted a spy chip into the company's iCloud server, and is completely denying that Apple was impacted.

"There is no truth in their story about Apple," Cook told BuzzFeed. "They need to do that right thing and retract it."

"Said Cook Cook. "I personally talked to the Bloomberg along with Bruce Sewell who was then our general counsel. We were very clear with them that did not happen, and answered all their questions. Each time they brought this up to us, the story changed and each time we investigated we found nothing. "

"We turned the company upside down." Email searches, datacenter records, financial records, shipment records, "Cook added. "We really do not have to go back to the same conclusion: This did not happen.

Cook's remarks are surrounding weeks of speculation and denials that have been the victim of a plot to embed chips in iCloud servers. Earlier in October, a Bloomberg report based on extensive investigation claim that Apple, Amazon, and almost all other products had been made by the manufacturer. Once delivered, the motherboards supposedly created a backdoor into an infrastructure like Apple's iCloud.

Apple was quick to deny allegations, insisting that it had conducted a "massive, granular, and siloed investigation."

Amazon has likewise issued denials.

"There are so many inaccuracies in this article that it is related to Amazon that they are hard to count,"

The National Security Agency, Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence, and Dan Boats, another director of National Intelligence. Additionally, The U.S. Department of Homeland Security commented that it had "no reason to doubt" the positions of Apple and Amazon.

Bloomberg's response

Bloomberg continue to make allegations of poor reporting of the matter.

"Bloomberg Businessweek's investigation is the result of more than 100 interviews, "spokesperson told BuzzFeed. "Seventeen individual sources, including government officials and insiders at the companies, confirmed the manipulation of hardware and other elements of the attacks." We also published three companies' full statements, a statement from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. our story and are confident in our reporting and sources. "

Other questions about the story BuzzFeed were rebuffed by the publication.

BuzzFeed also, "Google, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Dell, Palantir, Hewlett Packard, Verizon, Comcast, AT & T, Twitter, Palantir, T-Mobile, Goldman Sachs , and Capital One were not in the group of 30 companies that Bloomberg alleges were attacked.

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