Tim Cook says being gay is God's greatest gift to me


Four years after Tim Cook became the first CEO of the Fortune 500 group to publicly acknowledge he was gay, he says his sexual orientation is "God's greatest gift to me."

In an interview with CNN, Apple's CEO, Apple, is surprised at his surprise at being the first CEO of a big company to make himself known, but "I'm very proud of that".

He stated that he considered himself a private person but confirmed his sexual orientation on October 30, 2014, after being informed of the comments of young victims of bullying.

"I was public because I was starting to get stories from kids who were reading something online that made me gay, and they were being bullied, feeling like their family did not like them, being pushed out of their house, very close to suicide, I mean, things that really caught my heart, "Cook said.

He decided that it was selfish not to share his sexual orientation. "I need to be bigger than that," he says to himself. "I have to do something for them and show them that you can be gay while still doing big jobs in life, that there is a way to go."

Although he is pleased that other CEOs have come out since his IPO, Mr. Cook said that it was not his goal.

He also said, "My fundamental point of view is that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. And that's how I see everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, religion, sex, ethnic background, whatever their gender identity, whatever. "

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