Time is running out to save the Iranian affair while Rouhani visits Europe


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani sought to deepen his ties with Switzerland as he tries to put pressure on Europe to keep his promise to consolidate the 2015 nuclear deal, put in place peril by the American withdrawal

. Iranian President Donald Trump is beginning to reimpose sanctions against the Islamic Republic from 6 August. Iran is committed to resume its nuclear activities and to follow the United States, unless France, Germany and the United Kingdom The remaining six parties to the agreement will meet in Vienna on Friday to discuss the economic package that Europeans have put together to counter the impact of the US withdrawal, reported the Iranian Students News Agency.

Can Rouhani save the Iranian nuclear deal? Bloomberg and Ladane Nasseri

(Source: Bloomberg)

At a joint press conference with Swiss President Alain Berset, Mr. Rouhani said that Iran would remain involved in the Plan of 39, joint global action of 2015 as long as it would benefit. The United States, he predicted, will not succeed in reducing Iranian oil exports, the cornerstone of the Islamic Republic's economy. "Both countries consider the JCPOA as an important achievement" that must be preserved for peace and peace. international security, "said Rouhani, but neither he nor Berset gave details of the way forward, as European companies dealing with Iran face uncertainties

US withdrawal in May, transactions with Europe worth hundreds of millions of dollars "There are many things at stake – trade wars, reputation and European security" said Paul Ingram, Executive Director the British American Security Information Council, a nuclear disarmament group, before the visit "Rouhani will have to press Europeans for particular commitments beyond warm words, and communicate his own limited domestic capacity to stick to the JCPOA if Europeans give in to US pressure. "

Visits to Switzerland and Austria Switzerland represents US interests in Iran, and Austria holds the presidency rotating of the European Union.

The fate of the deal, which caps the most sensitive nuclear work in exchange for many sanctions, has been plunged into uncertainty. even though international inspectors have regularly verified that Tehran complies with them. The United States accuses Iran of violating the spirit of the deal by destabilizing activities in the Middle East.

Iran Abides Deal

Nuclear Stocks Below the Required Levels for a Weapon

Source: IAEA Iran Reports

Revenues and bank links will be in play if neither of them can be protected by the # 39, European Union. Rouhani, who faces intense pressure from uncompromising conservatives at home who accuse him of being naive to trust the United States, would be unmotivated to stay in accord or to comply with its terms.

Golnar Motevalli, Ladane Nasseri and Jonathan Tirone Upgrades with the report of the Iranian meeting to discuss the European economic package in the third paragraph. )

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