Time's Up Calls for an Exit Following Brett Kavanaugh's Accusations


Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is now facing multiple charges of sexual abuse and Time & # 39; s Up takes a stand.
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is now facing multiple charges of sexual abuse and Time & # 39; s Up takes a stand.

Image: Getty Images for JumpLine

Wear black and go out.

That's what the Time & # 39; s Up movement against harassment and systemic sexual abuse claimed on Monday, as a result of multiple charges targeting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

On Sunday night, the group of activists launched a rallying cry on Twitter, calling people to join women's groups across the United States simply to "get out of their homes, from their workplace, from their class, wherever you are. "

Scheduled for Monday, September 24 at 1 pm ET / 10 am, the walkout is presented as a moment of solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at the University of Palo Alto, California, who recently charged Kavanaugh with sexual assault .

The post came soon after New YorkerRonan Farrow and Jane Mayer issued a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh on Sunday, this time against Deborah Ramirez, who attended Yale with him.

"Doctors Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez bravely presented and shared their stories about sexual misconduct and assaults committed by Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh," said the event. Facebook.

"Women need to be heard," reads Time & # 39; s Up's Twitter post, in connection with the event organized by the other groups of activists Women's March, MoveOn and D & # 39; s ;other.

You can not go out? You can show your support by posting a video or image on the Facebook event page or on social media with the #BelieveSurvivors hashtag.

Kavanaugh denied both charges, as did the White House, which continues to support his appointment to the Supreme Court.

Although Ford apparently hid from alleged threats and harassment, she found significant public support after making the difficult decision to publicly share her story.

Time's Up had issued a previous statement on his accusation against Kavanaugh, who concluded: "Listen to Christine Blasey Ford – a woman's experience should never be inferior to that of a man."

Hollywood stars and women from all over the United States, some of whom are key members of #MeToo and Time & Up's movements, have also expressed their support for Ford.

Julianne Moore, America Ferrera, Gabrielle Union, Amber Tamblyn, Eva Longoria, Jamia Wilson and Marisa Tomei, as well as many other women from different situations, read the same letter of support to Ford in a video posted on Twitter and Facebook with hashtag #DearProfessorFord.

Tamblyn also tweeted her support for Ramirez saying, "We are with you and all survivors like you."

Ford will testify against Kavanaugh during a public hearing on Thursday, CNN reports.

As for Ramirez, Californian Senator Dianne Feinstein has requested that Kavanaugh's confirmation procedure be postponed, and Republican Senator Iowa, Chuck Grassley, has demanded that the FBI investigate this new allegation.

Time's Up also requested a suspension of the confirmation process.

[h/t Variety]

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