Tips on turkey side dishes and FAQs for the perfect Thanksgiving festival


WASHINGTON: A traditional Thanksgiving menu means turkey with toppings – from stuffing to cranberry sauce. Whether it's an experienced home chef or creating your first Thanksgiving feast, many questions will help you make your vacation unforgettable. Whether it is to feed your bird or for a tasty and mellow stuffing, the following questions are frequently asked during Thanksgiving, tips for traditional sides and practical answers to follow.

Turkey FAQ:
Fresh or frozen turkey?

If you buy a frozen turkey today, thawing in the refrigerator can take up to 3 days. It is important to know that a frozen turkey may have been frozen for six months or more. You can always choose to buy a fresh turkey and although it will cost more (about $ 2.20 per pound), the difference in flavor is well worth it. If you have not yet ordered fresh turkey, do it today!

My turkey is frozen, what should I do?

Remove the turkey from the package and fill your sink with water (room temperature) and let the bird soak. Change the water every 30 minutes until the turkey is thawed. The water should remain cool to the touch and should be changed frequently to eliminate bacteria. The water should not heat and the turkey should remain submerged.

A cooler filled with water and ice can leave your sink free, but beware, this bird will want to float. You can create "ice saddle bags" by filling half-filled bread bags with water and freezing them. Tie the bags and place them on the turkey to hold it under the water. You can also take two freezer blocks, in a clean plastic bag and insert them into the cavity to hold them.

My fresh turkey is lightly frozen, what should I do?

Do not panic, that's normal. Remove the turkey from the package and fill your sink with very cold water. Add the turkey to the water and soak for half an hour, changing the water again every 30 minutes until the turkey is thawed.

The secret of crunchy turkey skin lies in the fact that the bird must be 100% dry before being seasoned and cooked. Try to make sure your turkey is completely thawed 24 hours before heading to the oven. Wrap it or place it in a large roasting bag without sealing it and place it in your refrigerator where it can dry completely.

Should I brine my turkey?

YES, YES, YES, unless you have health problems. Turkeys are usually tasteless and leathery without brine. Visit CDN's fresh and tasty turkey recipe for the perfect steps to brine and roast the perfect turkey.

Yes, you should baste your turkey, our trick is to heat a saucepan of broth, wine and herbs on the stove so that you can fill your pear and pass it quickly over the turkey without releasing too much heat.

How much turkey should I buy?

The rule of thumb is 1-1-1 / 2 pounds per person. Of course, take your guests into consideration, if you have big eaters, you can increase this number. Or if you also serve a ham or a roast.

There is never enough brown meat for my family, what should I do?

Buy two small turkeys and roast them both to get enough of everyone's favorites.

Everyone wants white meat for sandwiches and there's never enough?

Ducs Mayonnaise

The day before, roast a turkey breast or two depending on the number of guests you plan and prepare it to slice for your sandwiches. Turkey breast is more expensive than fresh turkey, but it is easier to cook and delight everyone.

Do not forget a quality bakery bread for your sandwiches. To make these sandwiches tastier, our favorite is Duke's mayonnaise.

What temperature should the thermometer reach?

The temperature of the turkey at the end should be 170 degrees and be sure to take the temperature in the thigh area and do not go to the bone. Do not forget that your turkey will continue to cook once removed from the oven. Do not let it get warmer than 170 degrees, otherwise it will dry out.

How to slice a turkey?

The best way to slice the turkey is to cut the meat from the bone. Remove first the thighs and thighs, then the wings and finally the white meat. The best way to do this is to slide your knife along the bone to release the meat.

Once the meat has been removed from the bone, just cut everything into pretty pieces. Whole Foods offers this easy-to-follow video for a perfect cut and presentation of your holiday set.

Should I stuff the turkey the night before or just before cooking?

If you want to cook the stuffing in the bird, it is best to stuff the turkey just before cooking in order to avoid the bacteria that develop there. Before stuffing your turkey, make sure that it is completely dry inside and out. As a general rule, leave the bird sitting in the refrigerator, in the refrigerator, for at least 24 hours after brining or thawing.

However, our favorite method is to stuff the bird with herbs – oranges, onions, celery, carrots, bay leaves, thyme, sage and marjoram – and to cook the stuffing in a separate dish. This not only reduces the cooking time of the turkey, but also gives the whole house a wonderful smell.

Cook your stuffing in a dish using turkey broth and butter to moisturize and perfume.

Stuffing questions:
What kind of bread should I use?

A mixture of corn bread and white bread is preferable. You can chop the gizzards, after roasting or boiling, and use them in the stuffing. The most common stuffing additions include stuffing, salted spices and sausages. You will find an excellent basic recipe on Serious Eats.

How should I cut bread for stuffing?

The best way is to cut it into small cubes. After several different tests, the best way was always with a small die.

Can I use store-bought stuffing or is it cheating?

No, it's not cheating, my favorite in my childhood has always been Stove Top Stuffing, but you can also try Mrs. Cubbison's. They also make a fantastic brine kit.

Questions about mashed potatoes:
What kind of potatoes should I use?

Yukon gold medals are great for mashed potatoes, but they can cost more. You can always use the common red potato or, for a healthy alternative, boil or steam the cauliflower (only the florets, without the stems) until it is very tender . Drain until very dry.

For each cup of florets, add a cup of potato flakes, milk and butter to the consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

My red potato has large bruised spots, can I still use it?

Yes, just cut the bruises and it will work perfectly.

Should I soak my potatoes in water before cooking?

So it's a great question, if you peel your potatoes the night before, you can absolutely and must put them in the water. However, do not use this water for cooking the next day. Thanksgiving Day, you must use cool, fresh water to gently boil your potatoes until they are tender. If you peel them just before cooking, you should not soak them in the water, but you must rinse them well to remove the starch.

How do you get the pieces of potatoes?

Use a potato masher, which pushes the baked potato through small holes breaking all the pieces. You can also use knives to hatch and remove the mixer. If you mix them too much to make them shiny and pasty, add potato flakes, butter and cream to enhance the consistency.

I've heard that you should heat the butter and milk before adding them to the potatoes, is that right?

Yes, you must absolutely heat your milk, cream and butter before adding them to the mashed potatoes. The potato will absorb the hot liquid that will help make it light, fluffy and delicious.

Questions about sweet potato:
How can I fix cooked sweet potatoes?

Unfortunately, you can not fix them. Once cooked, they will not be very pretty, but the good news is that they will always have a delicious taste. You can whip them like a puree, pour them into a dish and garnish with mini marshmallows and a dash of real maple syrup.

Heat until marshmallows are melted and lightly browned. Do not let them burn, but if they do, remove them and try again.

Should I soak sweet potatoes before cooking?

You should not soak them if you cook them immediately, but if you peel them the day before, then you should keep them in cold water.

cranberry sauce

Questions about cranberry sauce:

Cranberry sauce is the easiest dish to prepare for Thanksgiving. He badly needs only 3 ingredients to be good – cranberries, organic cane sugar and water. There are more elaborate recipes, but you can easily do it the first time.

You can scent your cranberry with slices of orange or orange juice.

Can I prepare cranberry sauce in advance?

Yes and please. The cranberry sauce is even better on the second day. So make it, label it and store it until you need it. The cranberry sauce lasts 4-5 days.

Cranberry sauce

2 cups fresh cranberries

1 cup of water

¾ cup of sugar

Zest of 1 orange


Add water, sugar, cranberries and orange peel to a saucepan. Bring to a boil and reduce to a low heat. Simmer for 10 minutes. Serve when you are ready. The sauce will improve if left in the fridge for two days.

Questions about green beans:

Fresh green beans that are not overcooked are delicious. Clean the ends of the stems by bringing them back to an even length. Cover with water and salt and cook (do not boil, you will make them hard) until they are crisp, but tender. Remove the water by adding some good fat cubes like bacon or pancetta to the pan, salt and butter. A little water will prevent them from burning. Cook over low heat until bacon is completely cooked.

How to cook al dente green beans and should I put them in cold water?

Green beans cooked in al dente last about 8 to 10 minutes, depending on the temperature at which you cook them. If you want them to stay as good green beans, you have to electrocute them in an ice bath. However, do not leave them there for a long time, otherwise they will turn into mush.

Should I remove both ends of the green beans?

The general rule is to remove only the end of the stem, but if you are looking for consistency or if the other end looks bad, do not just cut them both. This is the perfect time to take out your kitchen scissors.

Main image: Norman Rockwell, Freedom from Want (public domain) with autumn foliage background Photo by Vali S. de Pexels

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