To celebrate the 60th anniversary of NASA, 21 vintage photos of space


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Sixty years ago, the NACA (National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics) officially became NASA (National Administration of Aeronautics and Space) and the beginning of the race for the first time. space began. The Apollo program was launched a few years later, in 1961. Its goal: to bring a human being to the moon and bring him home safely.

These missions on the moon have represented countless advances for the scientific community, as well as incredible images. Bill Anders' Earthrise photo, taken at Apollo 8, has become one of the most iconic images ever taken, but many more impressive images were taken during these trips.

The Apollo project archives bring them all together and present images taken during the eleven Apollo missions. The archive is extensive and includes many images that would now be considered as disposable images. A number of them are underexposed and unclear, but if you're ready to dig, you'll discover incredible vintage photos of the space, like the frames on which you can see the modified Hasselblad cameras attached to the bodies of astronauts.

Below, our favorite frames.

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