Today, take 5 minutes to assess your risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.


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Like everything else in this hypercapitalist country, even breast cancer awareness has been commoditized (there is even a word for it: pinkwashing). From NFL uniforms to razors, perfumes and handbags, October is literally inundated with pink. But in reality, does all this pink posture help to sensitize women at risk of breast cancer or true resources to those who have this diagnosis?

Fortunately, there are those who want to make breast cancer awareness an essential part: helping women understand the risk of breast and ovarian cancer quickly and painlessly.

Bright Pink, a non-profit organization, knows that knowledge is really half the battle. Although knowing the risk of breast cancer is important for all women, it is particularly important for African-American women who have 2x higher risk aggressive negative triple breast tumors and a 42% higher risk of breast cancer deaths compared to non-Hispanic white women.

Bright Pink seeks to advance conversation beyond awareness action with the upcoming launch of a new interactive digital experience at

Evaluate Your Risk ™, now in its third iteration, is a series of easy questions that take women about five minutes to learn about their personal cancer risk. Until now, he has helped more than a million women learn their risk of breast and ovarian cancer; Moreover, after answering the quiz, he proposes to the women specific measures to take as soon as this risk is known.

Lauren Ash, founder of Black Girl In Om, knows what it means to diagnose breast cancer in a family member. Watch her talk about her experience and how she defends her health and honors the body she inherited.

Go ahead, take your health in your hands today, sis.

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