Todd Bowles can not survive the Jets who lose against Bills no matter who his QB is


In a perfect world, Sam Darnold would flirt in the tunnel, then in the alley and tell Josh McCown to sit down and rally the Jets in front of the Bills on Sunday in a roaring MetLife stadium.

Alas, it's Jets World.

The 39-year-old quarterback, who has not played this season, is trying to save the head coach.

Because if Todd Bowles loses this match, in this stadium, for the benefit of this Bills team, and he falls to 3-7, he will be Dead Coach Walking.

This is not a game to win absolutely for the Jets to the limit, but a game to win for the coach in conflict.

If Bowles has a chance to save his job, he should find a way to get to 4-6, even though McCown has to throw left.

Bowles suddenly finds himself in need of McCown, more than anyone, to win his $ 10 million contract on the ground rather than in Darnold's ear.

On a Sunday, Bowles has time to answer the question as to why Darnold's baby steps have stopped and become stumbling and if he has fallen and can no longer get up.

But this Sunday, there is no excuse not to beat the worst team in your division in your own backyard. An ignominious defeat here would undoubtedly be the last nail in Bowles' coffin.

Todd Bowles
Todd BowlesBill Kostroun

Becoming a Win-Now team in 2019 is one thing, but giving way to a Lose-Now team during what last month was starting to look like the sweet and innocent climb of 2018. Especially after three consecutive seasons missing the playoffs. and back to back 5-11 seasons.

The jury is certainly not aware of Darnold's development, but for now, Bowles remains guilty until proven innocent.

His other potential savior must be the offensive coordinator Jeremy Bates, who will have to find a way to help Darnold see the pitch better, find the finishing touches and stop forcing the ball, playing silly football and playing a game. play to better support him when Bill Belichick welcomes him into the NFL after the start.

The problem for Bowles is that it's now a league in which the offensive wins the championships, and the Jets fans see what Sean McVay did for Jared Goff, what Andy Reid does with Patrick Mahomes, what Doug Pederson did with Carson Wentz and what Kyle Shanahan did at the end of last season with Jimmy Garoppolo.

Bowles will need Darnold to give Jets fans the hope that they'll be able to fly a supersonic plane together next season, and that hope has faded over the past three weeks.

We opened the door to Tom Coughlin before the then general manager, Jerry Reese, began spending money as a drunken agent for his defense, and it would be Bowles' misfortune not to have the money. Opportunity to finish the job before general manager Mike Maccagnan starts spending about $ 100 million of free agents and to improve support casting around Darnold.

It's also his misfortune that in a copycat league, nobody considers him a quarterback whisperer.

The organization said at the end of the summer its mission that it would experience growth difficulties since the rookie franchise's quarter, meaning that Bowles would return the ball to Darnold after the start, he either thought that Darnold was in regression. – always gives him a better chance of winning than McCown, or he made peace with the role of the good soldier, even if it forces him to become autumn.

If his players like him and respect him as much as they pretend, it would be up to them to present themselves as an intelligent and disciplined team to change minds and beat the Bills. If they lose this game, they will probably lose their coach too.

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