Toddler Shreds Envelope With Parents Football Ticket Registration


Leo Belnap may not share his parents' love of football at the University of Utah. The money that they had carefully saved for season tickets has been found in the shredder – and Leo, 2 years old, is the prime suspect.

Jackee and Ben Belnap had managed to save $ 1,060, carefully packaged in an envelope that they would send to Ben's parents to reimburse them for the cost of season tickets to strengthen their favorite college football team. The envelope disappeared over the weekend and, after thorough investigation, they found his remains in the family's shredder, according to the local KSL press briefing in Utah.

Apparently, Belnap's toddler is familiar with shredding methods because he frequently helps his mother shred their junk mail or important documents that they do not want to throw in the trash. His parents believe that he used his quasi-professional shredding skills on the envelope containing their hard-earned money, while they did not pay enough attention. They think it's an accident and not a statement about the football team's performance against the state of Washington on Saturday.

After finding out where their money was, the adult Belnaps strove to separate the paper money. The image shared by Ben on Twitter shows the difficulty of the task:

While the family hopes that the US Treasury Department can repay at least a portion of its shredded currency, for now, it takes a long-term view. "It took a few hours to overcome the shock, but it's really hilarious. Will make for a good wedding story!, "Ben tweeted.

On the plus side, the University of Utah box office has heard of their plight and offers to help them ease their pain by offering them free tickets.

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