Tom Arnold claims that apprentice producer Mark Burnett smothered him at a celebrity party


Tom Arnold attends the premiere of "Dead Ant" in Los Angeles on October 10, 2017 (Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP)

Tom Arnold, actor and comedian on mission, could perhaps even call it a hunt.

Arnold is determined to find tapes that he asserts without evidence from President Trump of his days on NBC's "The Apprentice" reality show, accusing the president of showing inappropriate behavior, including using the word n. Arnold has even criticized the series' producer Mark Burnett on several occasions. accusing him of being Trump's "best friend" and playing a role in hiding rumors.

Shortly after midnight Monday, Arnold took Twitter to put Burnett again. This time, however, he claims The award winning producer had become violent and attacked him on Sunday night at an Emmys party.

"Mark Burnett just became a monkey …. And he strangled me on that huge Emmy night and then ran away with his torn pink shirt and missing gold chain, "Arnold wrote. "I'm waiting for LAPD."

The Los Angeles Police Department could not be reached for comment. Arnold's attorney, Marty Singer, confirmed to the Hollywood Reporter that a fight had occurred between the two men, adding that Burnett had "attacked" Arnold. According to Variety, the fight would have occurred Sunday evening before Emmys night in Los Angeles.

The actress Alyson Hannigan also tweeted that she saw the fight burst, but did not say who had launched it.

"I thought it was a joke until security came in!" Hannigan wrote.

Burnett's wife, Roma Downey, challenged Arnold's story about the skirmish at the party.

Tweeting a photo of what appeared to be his left hand with a dark bruise on the back, Downey wrote"I had this bruise tonight when Tom Arnold tried to ambush my husband Mark and me at a charity event."

The Downey tweet prompted a quick response from Arnold.

"You're lying that your crazy husband has attacked you psychopath" he wrote. "I file a police report and sues you for defamation."

As the drama unfolded, Arnold and Burnett flooded the social media. Both men tended on Twitter early Monday morning.

Actor Patton Oswalt tweeted a selfie with Arnold who appeared to have been caught after the fight, writing, "He's fine. We must protect this brutal angel.

The bizarre altercation has left a lot, including the Chrissy Teigen model, baffled.

"[I]It's a crazy, Teigen tweeted, referring to the original tweet from Arnold.

It's unclear what caused the fight and Burnett has not commented publicly yet. His Wikipedia page, however, has already been updated to include details about the heated exchange.

The confrontation took place a few days before Arnold's new show described his hunt for rumors that "Apprentice" tapes were being released. Entitled "Trump Hunting", the eight-episode Viceland series will air its first episode on Tuesday.

"I'm going to dig as deep as possible to expose the ugly truth about the ugly man," says Arnold in the series trailer, which presents all aspects of a series of investigations, though it seems somewhat distorted . For example, a scene shows Arnold getting into a car in the middle of a parking lot for a clandestine meeting with a person dressed as an Easter bunny, who claims to have elusive tapes.

The search for Trump tapes has been a multi-year quest for Arnold, one of the president's most vocal critics.

In December 2016, Arnold told KIRO Radio that he had Trump tapes saying "all the bad things, all the offensives and racists ever made".

The relationship between Arnold and Trump goes back decades, he told Jimmy Kimmel during a recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

"I have a background with this guy," Arnold said last month on the show.

Arnold told Kimmel with confidence that he had seen the tapes and knew exactly what was on them.

"He says the n-word, he calls Eric [Trump] the keyword, "Arnold said. "Now they call it the word band."

Although Arnold stated that the validity of the word band had been questioned, he noted that two people "never called me a liar about the word band".

"Donald Trump and Mark Burnett, he said, because they know it's true. They absolutely know that it is true.

Allegations that Trump used the word "during apprenticeship" and a recording made headlines last month when former presidential advisor Omarosa Manigault Newman said in his book that people from Blanche knew about it. Trump categorically denied ever saying the n-word, tweeting that Burnett himself had "called to say that there was no apprentice ribbon where I used a word as terrible and disgusting as that attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa ".

"I do not have that word in my vocabulary and I've never had it," he said. "She invented it."

However, on "CBS This Morning" the next day, Manigault Newman released a new recording that appeared to be a discussion between campaign aides in October 2016 on how to handle a tape in which Trump would have used the word n. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she could not guarantee that Trump would not be heard using the word in an audio recording, the Washington Post reported.

On "Kimmel" last month, Arnold blasted Burnett for "protecting" Trump by not publishing "Apprentice" tapes.

"If you could see Donald Trump on this stage one day, you'll realize," Oh my God, that's what's happening at the White House, "said Arnold." He's incompetent. racist, he sexually harasses people.

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