Tom Brady's son has a fantastic football team. Daddy's not there. |


Some experts think that Tom Brady is overrated in fantasy football. Is it possible that the son of a quarter of the Patriots is in agreement?

During a press conference Friday afternoon, Brady was asked about the game of chance that the Philadelphia Eagles played Thursday night in the opening game of the NFL season against the Falcons. d & # 39; Atlanta. just at the Super Bowl last February. Brady replied that "good performance wins the games" and used his son's fantasy team as a parable.

"My son is doing fantastic football and he's watching his screenings for this week and going," Dad, I'm supposed to lose, "Brady said. "I said," None of this is important because, you know, you have to play the game. "And that's why we're all here – no one knows what the results will be.

It was not clear whether Brady was talking about his eldest son Jack, who has just turned 11, or his youngest son Ben, who is 8 years old. But his response sparked the obvious question: fantasy team?

"Not me," said the 41-year-old NFL MVP. "He had Matt Ryan actually, so he was watching with me last night."

It would not be the first time Brady was snubbed by his son. Last season, he told Dan Patrick at NBC that Jack had recruited Cam Newton. Brady joked that he would choose Cam Newton for him too.

This year, a quarter of the Patriots are generally ranked among the top three fantasy players in his position (while Ryan is generally ranked out of the top 10). But hey, the quarterback position is particularly deep when it comes to fantastic football. Brady's son may be running a sound strategy project.

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