Tom Hanks to Donald Trump, Midterm Elections and Tom Ford at NYFW – WWD


Keep your influencers and bloggers, and give us the front row of Tom Hanks every day.

The two-time Oscar winner – and Rare Fashion Week – made his debut at Tom Ford's show in the spring of 2019, alongside his wife Rita Wilson. The couple is a close friend of Ford, and Wednesday's show marked Hanks third stint in a parade, the three being Tom Ford.

"Tom Ford is the only fashion show he attended. It is exclusively a track of Tom Ford [attendee]Wilson quipped.

"I wear almost … not exclusively Tom, but Tom cuts me better than anyone. I love Tom's business, "said Hanks, after posing for the photographers with Wilson.

"He is a dear friend of ours, so we come to those for whom we are available, what we can do," Wilson added.

"We'll see fantastic people strolling in fantastic clothes, how about that?" Said Hanks.

Hanks and Wilson are preparing for the upcoming mid-term elections.

"Tom is campaigning for the vote, with Michelle Obama and Lin Manuel [Miranda]Wilson said. "We have a 22-year-old man who is very involved and makes sure his friends are registered to vote. The mid-term elections will be important. "

"We are going to vote and drag ten people with us to vote at the same time," Hanks said.

In November 2016, just days after the election of Donald Trump, Hanks said in the MoMA's annual film hall that "we'll be fine because we can constantly tell the world who we are." Nearly two years later, does Hanks think everything is fine?

"I think we must have faith in the Constitution, that the Constitution is this amazing document and that it is a machine that not only creates but also protects democracy," he said. "I think now I would say that we have to preserve, protect and defend this Constitution several months ago, and that requires work. And we will only agree if we do these three things: preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. "

Hanks and Wilson took a seat next to Anna Wintour, who was next to the star of "Crazy Rich Asians" Henry Golding (looking rather nervous in his placement). On his left, Cardi B, a rendezvous of shows in September and, it seems, back for this time.

"First of all, I spend so much money on Tom Ford, darling, I deserve to be here," she said, without a bodyguard this time. "All this god, the money I spent, it's time for me to be here."

Asked if she plans to attend other shows throughout the week, Cardi said her schedule was still in motion.

"Perhaps, I have so much to do, Lord Jesus Christ," she said.

The Ford show marks its fourth season to attend fashion shows. "It's what I know is that I've raised my career – because shows are becoming more and more important," she said. Tom Ford, the icing on the cake Cardi B.

At the bottom of the musician's row was Hailee Steinfeld, who was making her first appearance at the NYFW at Tom Ford while she was in town to film the new Apple TV show "Dickinson", in which she plays the iconic poet.

"We are in pre-production right now, with all the necessary equipment. We were talking about corset fittings and all that fun stuff, "she said, beckoning to her publicist.

Naturally, his role makes him lose his Dickinson. "More than ever before," she said as she read Dickinson's work. "It's amazing – this character is absolutely wonderful. And I've never done television before, so it should be interesting. I always learn the process of how many days per episode and all this madness.

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