Tom Hardy merges with a comics franchise – Variety


In "Venom", the original new comic book story (this is the first installment of Sony's Marvel characters universe), generically derived and generalized, Tom Hardy is afflicted with the fact that he is the only one in the world. a supernatural force that invades his mind, his body, his very being. This is called the desire to act as a method goof stumblebum. The symptoms, which are very visible and dramatic, range from a propensity to stare at the eyes, to a tendency to swallow each line with a kind of mumble of renegade doofus, so as to leave Hardy looking like a cross between the beginning of Marlon Brando and the end of the month. Adam Sandler.

As evidenced by all who have seen his silky and cutting-edge performance in "Locke", Tom Hardy is one of the smartest actors of the moment. So, why, in "Venom", does he have the impression of posing as a benign and inarticulate stoner clown who only has half of his marbles? It's perhaps his way of clearing up and following the thread of a popcorn movie. Maybe that's his way of playing a guy who becomes half of a hybrid creature: a terrifying superhero monster that looks like Jekyll and a Hyde Alde in a changing body.

Still, if you watch and listen carefully, you can also see ghosts playing in Hardy's performance – the ghosts of actors such as Robert De Niro and Mickey Rourke, who have reached a timeless mysticism by speaking with a kind of post-verbal street poetry. They were Brando's spiritual sons, while Tom Hardy, born in 1977, looks like an impatient grandson. In "Venom", his busy activity game fills a gap, but it's also a waterfall designed to convince the world, and perhaps even himself, that he keeps his credit.

Of course, this is not the first time that Hardy has made a cartoon movie; he described the wicked hulk Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises". But there is a certain respectability inherent in playing a nasty villain, especially if you touch the big mumbling pot of all time (you can barely understand a word that Bane said). Playing a cartoon hero is different. No matter how dark and trendy the character is, you always join a franchise and merge with a business program that represents something other than art. And that can be a problem if your brand, like Hardy's, is an acting purist. Just go back to this season of "Entourage" in which Vincent Chase interpreted Aquaman to realize that for some actors, it was very moving to engage to play a comic book hero. It seals your celebrity, but stops you from saying, "I stand out from the machine." You are now the biggest cog in the machine.

In "Venom", directed with Ruby Fleischer by Timerson Fleerscher, Hardy plays Eddie Brock, a San Francisco investigative reporter who works for a progressive cable channel, much like MSNBC. He has his own show, "The Eddie Brock Report," which takes him to the streets to tackle stories that others will not make. He is supposed to be a fearless truth. So when we give him what's supposed to be a softball interview with Dr. Carlton Drake (Ahmed Rice), a sneaky mogul who's looking for ways to prolong the lives of cancer patients (but whose experiences have a fun way to kill people he uses as guinea pigs), Eddie does not back down. Using confidential documents, he pulled his fiancée Anne Weying's computer (Michelle Williams), Eddie, to her big mouth, stammers Drake with violent questions.

The result? Eddie is put away from his job and his career – and for good measure, Anne too (so he also loses it). In the way that Hardy plays all this, Eddie does not seem to have lost his journalistic courage, but because he is too vague to have realized the risk he ran. Still, Hardy seems to be more comfortable when Eddie is a marginal abandoned person who has lost everything. "Venom" is not a character study; it is a numbered fantasy of treated geniality. Eddie is supposed to be Clark Kent in the era of activism, but in reality, the film must give him something to do before his great transformation. The one in which a viscous mass of extraterrestrial protoplasm leaps into his body and merges with him, turning him into a demonic antihero.

The extraordinary alien is a Symbiote, a creeping body fired from a landing space ship by Dr. Drake, who must find a human host to fight it. But most humans that he tries to reject the Symbiote, like a failed heart transplant. It's Eddie who turned out to have good body chemistry (or maybe just that he's tough enough to cook).

Venom is one of those characters that brings together a dozen items you've seen before. It looks like a nod to the cobra head creature of Hammer's horror film, "The Reptile" (1966). He has a head, with white eyes and split, which shines like a Philadelphia Eagles helmet entirely composed of membrane, and which opens in a scary set of exotic jaws. He has the language to make Gene Simmons blush and a voice to make the voice of James Earl Jones sound: "Did not I invent that voice in 'Star Wars'? And have not fantastic movies been imitating it for 40 years? ". The answer is yes and yes. The character of "Venom" is that once the amorphous stranger confuses himself with Eddie, he begins to speak. at him (in his head). They become twin personalities sharing one body, so they have to solve the problem.

In the end, the character grumbles in fact some vaguely fun stuff. (You start to realize that he is a new breed of snark beast by the time he drops a certain word starting with "p."). But it is said that the television commercials of "Venom" all present this completely formed creature. It's so long in the movie before Venom becomes fully alive as a character that the commercials come as a sort of spoiler. And it is not difficult to understand why they are designed this way. Venom could have been a fun creation, but the movie spends too much time watching it …to be originating. The movie "Venom" wants to be the sequel.

In "Venom", we watch Eddie take control of the parasite and navigate his new powers, which consist mainly of an ability to cast his limbs as a spectral material. they are like canvases with muscle. It's no coincidence that these powers are a logistical cousin of Spider-Man's. Because Venom is part of the Spider-Man branch of the Marvel cosmos. That's why he was allowed to play in a Marvel movie released by Sony.

But what exhausting thought! "Venom" is a typical cartoon film case that does not lack skill, nor even visual effects bravura. Make no mistake: the effects can be dazzling. Extraterrestrial matter splatters like a random tentacle liquid, such as Venom blends the agility of Spider-Man skyscrapers with the destructiveness of Hulk – while looking away. But for what purpose? This gateway into the Sony universe of Marvel characters (get ready: there are 90!) Do not mumble as much as Tom Cruise's "The Mummy", but it could be a matter of course similar case of launching a franchise that does not quite reach the takeoff of the franchise.

Tom Hardy has never been an actor who lets you comfortably be in his shoes. In "Max Mad: Fury Road", he interpreted the main character as a blitz shell of his former character (and Max, 35 years ago, was already a shell), and in "Venom", his quality short-circuited and misleading at times, like Kevin Costner's brother at the lamp. Yet, in a luscious way that works for the film, since Eddie does not seem reduced by becoming half of a monster entity. No, that completes it. From this perspective, it will be interesting to see if Venom's character completes Tom Hardy, or if he ends up giving him the power to do what he wants. Hope this does not consume him.

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