Tom Hiddleston teases more Loki stories in the Marvel television series


One of the first victims, and the most moving, of Avengers: Infinity War was Tom Hiddleston's Loki, although the character is confirmed to return to some capacity with a brand new Loki series on Disney +. The actor sought on Twitter the number of additional stories that his character might know in the future.

The actor shared an image with the message, "Loki, more stories to tell, more trouble doing … more to come."

News reports were published for the first time this year on the potential of a Loki series. Disney General Manager Bob Iger confirmed the plans earlier this week. Early reports included details according to which movie stars would reproduce their roles in the series, although it was only until Iger's confirmation that these details were officially revealed.

Fans are questioning about Loki's future in the Marvel film universe since his heartbreaking death in War of Infinity, many fans hoping that the scene would be just one of Loki's many tricks. Even though it was officially dead, the cartoon version of the character took the form of a woman and a child, potentially allowing a new performer to assume the role.

The involvement of Hiddleston as a character does not clarify much about Loki, as it is possible that the new series will unfold before the events of the latest MCU movie. Regarding the current status of Loki in the MCU, even Hiddleston is not sure.

"Listen … I've heard incredible theories about it," explained Hiddleston during a recent demonstration. "I was in a park in London a few weeks ago, and guys came to say hello, and they asked me the same question." They said, "Listen, we need a answer to this question, all the other times, Loki died "- there were some -" he stabs his right hand, and now he's stabbing his left hand. "I thought," That's incredible attention to detail. "

Loki is not the only character of the MCU who would have had his own series, the first report on the Loki series also mentioning a series on Scarlet Witch, and later reports claiming that Winter Soldier and Falcon would play in a series . Even if some of these reports prove to be false, the Loki series alone would confirm that Disney + will be broadcasting highly anticipated content.

Stay tuned for more details on the Loki series.

Are you eager for Hiddleston to participate in the series? Let us know in the comments below!

[[[[H / T Twitter, Twhiddleston]

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