Tom Hiddleston, the star of the & # 39; Avengers & # 39 ;, says that he does not believe that Loki is really diabolical


Tom Hiddleston says that Loki, a sneaky half-brother of avenging Avenger Thor (Chris Hemsworth), was always more mischievous than "really evil" – something that the trickster proved in the first minutes of Avengers: the war to infinity.

"What I liked about it, and this was felt like a gift, is because it's such a fascinating antagonist," Mr. Hiddleston told attendees at the conference. 39, a visit to the ACE Comic Con Seattle.

"Everyone will tell you, any actor who has played a villain or an antagonist, will tell you that they are fascinating because the challenge is to present the outside and the inside," he said. Hiddleston.

"And so outside, because you are the bad guy, it means that there is in you something that is motivated by things we all feel, but that we try to hide and repress: jealousy, pain, isolation or loneliness, these things can turn into egomania or narcissism, which is part of it. "

The actor, who plays Loki since 2011 Thor, says that the trick with Loki is to humanize him with vulnerability and let complex aspects of the character pass.

"If outside is that it's trying to pit the Avengers against each other or that it's trying to work some sort of scheme, if you can allow the public to see the vulnerability behind all this, "said Hiddleston, you can achieve" internal and external relationship. "

"I had to remember every day that he is the god of mischief and it's my personal obligation to have a good time," he added. "And so there is something about him, I recognize some – a very childish part – of myself in that, trying to entertain as much as possible, because he l & rsquo; East."

Hiddleston called his time with the character "fascinating", saying that his chaotic nature had the potential, even for good.

"I also do not think it's really bad – it's never been, even in Norse mythology, in the pantheon," Hiddleston explained.

"Loki is a very important and fascinating character, the trickster.He's somebody the gods needed at times.Many people know Scandinavian stories, but he represents someone who represents chaos by opposition to the order, and sometimes what you need, it's a bit of chaos, and Asgard would not be the same without him.

Tom Holland (Spider-Man), Anthony Mackie (Falcon), Sebastian Stan (Bucky), Paul Bettany (Vision), Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter) and Elizabeth Olsen were also present at the weekend convention. (Scarlet witch).

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