"Too dangerous to govern": Trump paints a dark picture of democratic control


President Trump on Tuesday delivered a heartbreaking campaign speech to voters four weeks before the mid-term elections.

Democrats, whose president thundered in front of a crowd of some 9,000, are "radical," "deranged" and "dark" – a "left-wing angry mob" that would destroy people's businesses, provide a haven for gangs deadly immigrants and plunge the country "poverty" and "chaos".

"Democrats have become too extreme, and they have become, frankly, too dangerous to govern," said Trump. "They left wacko!"

For a president who has campaigned and governs with themes of grievance and fear, the portrait painted Tuesday night in Council Bluffs was particularly bleak.

The 76 minutes of Trump's discussion before a roaring crowd of Iowans and Nebraskans in this border town along the Missouri River were a foretaste of his campaign's campaign blitz over the next 28 days, but also of his own reelection campaign that will begin seriously after the midterms.

The President has accused, for example, Fred Hubbell, Democrat defying Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R), of his intention to "massively increase your taxes," "your consumption of money. ethanol "and" devastate your farms and businesses ".

And Trump liked to call Democrats "Dems", with the difference that he called it "Dims," ​​an apparent game on their intelligence. He said that he had received the nickname "The Great Lou Dobbs," whose Fox Business Network shows the President regular visits. At the rally, Trump thanked more than half a dozen Fox News stars including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Jeanine Pirro.

Trump won the victory end-to-end – not only for the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh after a deadly battle for the appointment, but also for new trade agreements, declining unemployment and cuts of December taxes.

"The only reason to vote Democrat is if you're tired of winning," Trump joked.

Trump said the allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh were "a national embarrassment" and the product, he said, of a democratic campaign aimed at "destroying this man".

"In four weeks you will have a chance to make your verdict on the scandalous conduct of Democrats," said Trump, hoping to keep his conservative base energized on election day.

Trump singled out Senator Dianne Feinstein (California), who ranked the Democratic Party on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and accused her of revealing the identity of Christine Blasey Ford, who had written this summer a confidential letter detailing his claims against Kavanaugh. Feinstein denied that his staff or staff leaked Ford's name to the press, but Trump insisted that she do so.

"Did she make that leak? One hundred percent, "said Trump. "I do not want to be sued, so 99%."

The crowd chanted slogans of "Lock her up!" – a basic element of the Trump rally usually reserved for Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democrat opponent in 2016. Moments later, the crowd chanted Lock again. it up!

Even as the crowd of his gathering thundered for the imprisonment of two Democratic politicians, Trump said it was the Democrats who were the party of anarchy.

"You do not give power to an angry left crowd," Trump said, warning that if the Democrats won majorities in Congress next month, they would "turn our country so quickly into Venezuela."

Trump took his crowd on a tour of his greatest successes against prominent Democrats. He mockingly called on Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), "DaNang Dick", often a critic of cable television on Trump, a reference to the Senator exaggerating his military service during the Vietnam War several years ago.

Trump singled out Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) With particular disdain. The Democrats, he said, "have gone so far in the left that they view" Pocahontas "as a rational person, no, it's crazy, Elizabeth Warren. She runs.

"We can finally come to the question of whether or not she has Indian blood," continued Trump, adding, in a mocking tone, that "her mother says she has high cheekbones". Trump said that Warren's claims based on Native American ancestry had given him unfair advantages in his career.

Warren stated that these claims were based on family traditions. A survey conducted by the Boston Globe last month revealed that his ethnicity had not helped him progress in his legal career.

The Tuesday night event was the first of several "Make America Great Again" campaign rallies scheduled this week. Trump plans to travel to Erie, Pennsylvania on Wednesday and rally his supporters in Ohio and Kentucky on Friday and Saturday respectively. Last week, it was the scene of rallies in Tennessee, Mississippi, Minnesota and Kansas.

Trump has already visited Iowa three times as president. He won the state by nine percentage points in 2016. But 56 percent of Iowans now disapprove of his performance as president, while only 39 percent have approved, according to an Iowa poll conducted last month.

Council Bluffs sits on the western edge of Iowa, facing Omaha, across the Missouri River, and Republican officials and candidates from Iowa and Nebraska attended the rally. There was a clear hue for the Nebraska audience, who at one point broke out chanting "Go, Big Red," a reference to the University of Nebraska football team. When Trump asked participants to encourage their country to identify their country of residence, the shouts of Nebraskans were stronger than those of Iowans.

Trump took advantage of the event to announce that his administration would advance projects promoting the use of ethanol, which could boost Republicans in the vote in the Midwest.

This announcement paves the way for sales throughout the year of E15, or 15% ethanol by volume. At present, these sales are prohibited during the summer months because of concerns related to air pollution.

"Today, we are harnessing the power of the E15 to power our country all year," said Trump, to the applause of the crowd. He noted that he "made you that promise during the primaries, remember? Promises made, promises kept. "

Sonmez reported from Washington.

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