Too Many Erectile Dysfunction Medications Cause Man to Have Red-tinged Eyes


NEW YORK CITY – An overdose of medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction has probably given a man more than increased confidence: irreversible damage to vision.

The McClatchy News Service, quoting a report published this month in Retinal Cases, said the 31-year-old man had gone to an emergency care clinic after two days of vision disorders. Namely, he saw red.

The doctors told the man that he was taking "a lot more" than the recommended dose of 50 mg of liquid sildenafil citrate, an active ingredient in Viagra, bought online and caused him glowing vision, according to McClatchy.

"People adhere to the philosophy that if a little is good, a lot better," said Richard Rosen, senior author and director of Mount Sinai's Eye and Ear Infirmary in New York.

"This study shows just how important a dose of a commonly used drug can be dangerous."

Doctors discovered that the drug had "caused microscopic damage to the cones of the retina, the cells responsible for color vision," the researchers said.

Medications for erectile dysfunction warn consumers of many side effects, including vision loss, headaches and low blood pressure, but this is a more recent case showing that higher doses can cause irreversible effects.

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