Too Short on Kelly Machine Gun and Eminem Beef: "It's Great for White Rap"


Too Short gives his two cents on Machine Gun Kelly's bodyguards who jumped Ozark the actor, Gabriel "G-Rod" Rodriguez, for calling MGK a "cat" for talking about Eminem's family.

"Why would you want to go see someone and call them a pussy, dude?" Too short said TMZ. At that moment, one of Too Short's fans came across recalling the beginning of his 1993 hit song "Blow Job Betty". "If he called me a cat now, my boys would beat him," said Short of the passer-by who claimed he "would not do it".

As for the beef between MGK and Eminem, Too Short says that it's good for the crop.

"It's great for white rap, it's great to have a battle, I think fans love it, I do not think it's a big deal," he said. he declared. But if you need to know what side he is on, it seems like he's leaning towards Em.

"It's well the fact that Eminem decided to play a little bit because we know he was not obliged to do it – he's a good man." I like the fact that Em is out there, "he said. "It's not going to affect the game. It's kind of like a big country fighting a small country, no matter who wins, you're still like a man you did not have to do to him. . "

MGK and Eminem exchanged tracks on the disc over the last month. More recently, Em launched "Killshot", which targeted the rapper and claimed that Diddy had put the tube on Tupac.

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