Top Democrat Crowley loses shocking


Representative Joe Crowley, the powerful Speaker of the Democratic House Caucus, considered a potential future speaker, was overthrown Tuesday night by the main opponent, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in his district of New York.

Ocasio-Cortez had 58% of the Democratic primary vote at 42% for Crowley when the Associated Press called the race with 85% of the reports from the speaker.

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Ocasio-Cortez, 28, challenged Crowley for ideological and racial reasons, arguing that the 10-member congressman was not in tune with his majority-dominated district and was too comfortable with corporate donors.

A defeat would make him the most prominent Democrat to lose a primary this year, and the highest-ranked House to lose an intra-party fight since Republican leader Major Eric Cantor lost in 2014.

Crowley was one of the New York Republican veterans facing unexpected tests of insurgent candidates. Representative Yvette Clarke led Adem Bunkeddeko closely from 51% to 48% with just over three quarters of the audience reports.

Meanwhile, two Trump-endorsed Republican incumbents stood up to the primary challenges on Tuesday night in New York and South Carolina.

Rep. Dan Donovan defeated former representative Michael Grimm in their Republican primary on Tuesday night, thwarting Grimm's attempt to return from federal jail time.

Donovan earned 64 percent of the vote in the 11th district of New York at 36 percent from Grimm when the Associated Press called the race with 92 percent of the speaker reports.

Donovan had the support of a number of Republican groups from outside and, most importantly, Trump, who tweeted that the GOP could not afford to name Grimm in a possible pivotal district. Donovan will play against Democrat Max Rose, who also won his first game tonight in November.

The governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, stood up to businessman John Warren during a second Republican poll Tuesday night. The victory came after a full press of Trump and his team to protect McMaster. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both gathered in the state in the days leading up to the elementary school, and the president has always tweeted his support for the governor. McMaster was one of the first elected to support Trump during the 2016 presidential primaries.

McMaster got 54% of the votes when the Associated Press announced the race with 84% of the audience reports, while the businessman John Warren had 46%.

McMaster will face state representative James Smith, the Democratic candidate, in November.

Here's a state-by-state on what's on the ballot:

New York

The Donovan-Grimm primary stole the show, but a handful of other battlefield seats also have big primaries. In the Hudson Valley, seven Democratic candidates for the first time are fighting to face Republican Republican John-Faso in the largest state district, which Trump won in 2016 after fetching Barack Obama twice.

In addition, the Democratic primary of a district of Syracuse opposed the Committee of the campaign of the Democratic Congress to local activists. DCCC supported former mayoral candidate Juanita Perez Williams at the expense of Dana Balter, a college professor. The winner will face GOP representative John Katko, who is a tough district for Republicans in general but has always been ahead of the ticket in the past.

The Democrats will also choose candidates in the longer-running districts currently held by Republicans, Elise Stefanik and Tom Reed. And the party also has a primary to replace the late Louise Slaughter in the 25th district, around Rochester.

Caroline from the south

The race between McMaster and Warren is a major test of Trump's influence with Republican primary voters. McMaster, one of Trump's first funders in 2016, led Warren by almost 15 percentage points in the primary, but failed to gain a majority and avoid a second round.

In the hope of pushing the governor to the limit, Trump held an election watch rally in South Carolina on Monday night, pleading with his supporters to support McMaster and acknowledging that his own reputation was on the line.

"They will say that Donald Trump suffered a major and major defeat in the great state of South Carolina, it was a humiliating defeat for Donald Trump, so please eliminate your souls tomorrow and vote," he said at the rally.

Voters from the 4th Congressional District also choose Lee Bright, a former lawmaker renowned for his support for displaying the Confederate flag, and the current Senator William Timmons, a former attorney, in the race to replace the representative. retired Trey Gowdy. Timmons led 54 percent to 46 percent with three-quarters of the speakers reported.


Money dominated the conversation in the governor's open race in Colorado, where Democratic governor John Hickenlooper is on a fixed term. The millionaires' representative Jared Polis freely spent to win the Democratic nomination, while state treasurer Walker Stapleton had to fend off the self-financing state representative, Victor Mitchell, to win the Republican primary. .

The Democrats also chose veteran Jason Crow as their candidate to face GOP representative Mike Coffman. The DCCC has lined up early behind veteran Crow, although former Obama administration chief, Levi Tillemann, has attempted to channel anti-establishment sentiments against him in the 6th district.


Maryland Democrats choose from a field of crowded competitors to face popular Republican Governor Larry Hogan in the fall.

The Prince George County Executive, Rushern Baker, and the former NAACP President, Ben Jealous, have split as leading contenders in the field of the nine candidates. The race between the two made parallels with the 2016 Democratic primary, with Baker on his economic record and Jealous as a progressive insurgent, campaigning with Sens. Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris before the primary.

Both Jealous and Baker are vying to make history as the first African-American governor of Maryland. But Tuesday's winner will face a tough battle against Hogan, who has always been considered one of the country's most popular governors despite being a Republican in a blue state. A recent Washington Post poll showed that Hogan led all the two-figure Democratic candidates.

Senator Ben Cardin also faces a group of primary opponents, including Chelsea Manning, the former army intelligence analyst who was convicted of disclosing classified information in the US. 2010 but had his sentence commuted by President Barack Obama. Still, the race was calm and Cardin should easily win the renomination.

In the 6th district of Maryland, Democrat David Trone is trying to self-finance for a congressional seat. Trone lost a primary in 2016 after spending $ 13.4 million of his own money. He is trying again in a new district and has spent $ 11.5 million so far this year. He faces a list of crowded candidates, including Del. Aruna Miller, who has been approved by EMILY's List.


Republican Michael Guest, a district attorney, won the Republican nomination to replace retired representative Gregg Harper on Tuesday.

Guest was the favorite after receiving 45 percent of the vote in early June, compared to 22 percent for Whit Hughes, his opponent in the second round.


A crowded field of Republicans – including Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb, Auditor Gary Jones, the former Mayor of Oklahoma City Mick Cornett and self-financed businessman Kevin Stitt – are all competing for the governorship. But the majority primary rules of Oklahoma mean that the first two contenders could be eliminated in late August if no one gets more than 50% of the vote on Tuesday night. Democrat Drew Edmondson, a former attorney general of the state, has a better chance of winning the nomination of his party.

Another crowded GOP field could also give a second round in the 1st Congressional District, left open since former representative Jim Bridenstine was confirmed as NASA's director. A number of House Freedom caucus members supported Andy Coleman, a veteran and lawyer, but Coleman mingled with Kevin Hern, a businessman backed by the moderate Republican Main Street Partnership.


Mitt Romney is expected to achieve victory in the Senate on Tuesday night, which would consolidate the former presidential candidate and the governor of Massachusetts as a favorite to replace outgoing Senator, Orrin Hatch.

The opponent of Romney, the State Rep. Mike Kennedy has repeatedly attacked him for criticizing Trump in the 2016 election, but the strategy seems to have failed, as several polls have shown about two-thirds of voters supporting Romney.

If Romney wins, his top-down relationship with the president will extend into the general election. Despite being one of the president's toughest Republican critics in 2016, Romney accepted Trump's approval in his race in the Senate, and the President even called it "straight shooter" after Romney said that Trump would be reelected in 2020.

But he also promised to continue speaking against Trump where he would deem it good, which would add a potential critic to the Republican conference while Sens. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker retire "I continue and I will continue to speak when the president says or does something that is divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions," Romney wrote. an election vigil. op-ed in the Salt Lake Tribune.

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