Top Democrat returns confidential Kavanaugh information of a sexual nature to the FBI


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WASHINGTON – Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Confirmed Thursday that she had forwarded information on Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh to "federal investigating authorities."

"I have received information from an individual regarding the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. This person strongly requested confidentiality, refused to come forward or continued to press, and I honored that decision. I have, however, referred the case to the federal investigating authorities, "said Feinstein, the Senate's highest-ranking Democratic Judge, who is scheduled to vote on Kavanaugh's appointment next week.

The Democratic Senate's Judiciary Committee met Wednesday night to discuss a wave of allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh from his high school years, two sources close to the case told NBC News.

The information comes from the representative Anna Eschoo, D-Calif. The existence of the letter has been reported for the first time by the online publication The Intercept.

Two sources told NBC News that the allegation was of a sexual nature, but both stated that the author of the letter was not specific in the description of Kavanaugh's alleged behavior. A source told NBC News that the described conduct alleges sexual assault, but that it could also be a lesser allegation – and added that the author of the allegation should be more specific with the enforcement officials. laws so that any investigation can go forward.

George Hartmann, spokesman for Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said Thursday that the senator was aware of Feinstein's referral.

"At that moment, he did not see the letter in question and respects the request for confidentiality," Hartmann said. "There is no plan to change the consideration of the appointment committee of Judge Kavanaugh."

Feinstein had been in possession of the letter for some time, said two sources, but the file was not sent to the FBI until after the Democrats met Wednesday night. The meeting was convened because committee members had heard rumors about the existence of the letter by reporters, a source told NBC News.

White House spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said Thursday that Feinstein should have removed the information earlier in the bid process.

"Until the day before his confirmation, Senator Feinstein or whoever has brandished the specter of new" information "about him," said Kupec, accusing the Democrats of an "11h delay attempt" of Kavanaugh. "Over the 25 years of public service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has carefully and repeatedly controlled Judge Kavanaugh, who dates back to 1993, for some of the most sensitive roles."

The controversy comes after a series of confirmation hearing marathons for Kavanaugh's appointment last week, during which he testified for two days before the jury. The committee was originally scheduled to vote on its appointment Thursday morning, although it was postponed until next week, September 20.

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