Top Medical News Today – Grapes Found to Prevent Breast Cancer


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Because they are found in more than half of malignant tumors, the amyloid aggregates of the mutant p53 are considered new strategic targets in the fight against cancer. In its normal, non-mutated version, the protein is responsible for suppressing tumor cells and, for this reason, is often called the "guardian of the genome". However, a mutant p53 can lose this function and gain others, sequestering its normal counterparts and contributing to the formation of amyloid aggregates, difficult degradation structures and rapid growth. Some p53 mutations are extremely pathogenic, while others are harmless.

Researchers from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) have made a discovery that could lead to the development of a treatment able to act against more than half of breast cancer cases. Using resveratrol, a bioactive compound found in grapes and red wine, scientists were able to inhibit for the first time the agglomeration of mutant versions of the p53 protein, a structure found in approximately 60% of tumors, and prevent the migration and proliferation of breasts. cancer cells.

The potential anticancer effects of resveratrol have been known for years, but to date no study has been able to demonstrate that the substance can act to reduce tumors caused by the aggregation of the mutant form of the tumor suppressor p53 . Brazilians are the first to get this result in the laboratory.

The laboratory of Jerson Lima Silva, professor of the Institute of Medical Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis (IBqM) and the National Center for Structural Biology and Bioimaging (CENABIO) of the UFRJ and coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology of the same name (INBEB), studies the amyloid aggregation of p53 for two decades. The main objective of this group is to understand the mechanisms that allow p53 mutant aggregates to contribute to cancer and to find an effective way to prevent it from forming.

"The findings bring scientists closer to the development of a drug capable of acting directly on the amyloid aggregation of the p53 mutant," says Danielly C. Ferraz da Costa, co-author of the study , the Institute of Nutrition of UERJ and a member of the INBEB. She began studying the properties of resveratrol for her doctoral thesis and, in 2012, had already studied cancer protection with resveratrol in lung tumor cells.

Researchers applied in vitro fluorescence spectroscopy techniques to test the antitumour potential of resveratrol in aggregations of wild-type and mutant p53. In addition, they used immunofluorescence co-location tests to test the action of the substance on breast cancer cells with different mutants p53 (MDA-MB-231 and HCC-70) and normal p53 (MCF -7). A decrease in the aggregation of mutated p53 was observed in tumors implanted in mice. The group is currently studying various molecules derived from resveratrol that can be used in tumor therapy containing mutated p53.

The Daily Galaxy via INBEB

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