Top Navy admiral waited too long to remove 'Bad Santa' officer over sexual harassment, IG says


The is a member of the public, the Pentagon inspector general said Friday.

Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, allowed his spokesman Cmdr. Chris Servello to remain in his position for the position of the officer in charge of the 2016 allegations, which Navy investigators dubbed the "Bad Santa incident," according to the IG.

"We considered Adm. Richardson's failure to ensure that the staff is removed from his position and reassigned in a timely manner, and that his actions or inaction were not applicable. "The IG said in a statement with the newly released report.

Richardson said Friday that he appreciated the IG's scrutiny of the incident.

"In particular, I should have moved to a more specific position in the Navy and especially to survivors. the future, senior leaders will benefit from these lessons, "Richardson said in a statement.

In a statement released at the same time, Richard Spencer, Navy Secretary lept to the admiral's defense, said he has done an "outstanding job" as the service's top uniformed officer.

"I'm completely confident in his abilities and know that he will continue to be a leader in this field. the next generation of leaders, making the Navy even stronger, "Spencer said.

Served at the Navy's public affairs office two years ago, he was a member of the board of the Navy officer two "uncomfortably long" hugs, and also called 40-minute period asking if she wanted company after the party.

The Navy investigated and Richardson is an article on the subject of an adversary, and a nonpunitive letter of caution in his record.

"However, the removal and reassignment did not occur for 4 months, and the [public affairs officer] This article was previously published in "Richardson, the IG report found.

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