"Tormented and traumatized": rabies against women fuels mass shooters


The anger of the alleged gunman began – as was often the case – with a woman

Jarrod Ramos sued the Capital Gazette for defamation, before targeting a specific journalist with Hateful emails and online threats. She was accused of killing five people in the small Annapolis office last week, a person was living this nightmare every day.

She spoke for the first time Monday, giving an interview to the show "Today" on the harassment that she endured.

"I was afraid that it could show up anytime, anywhere … and kill me," she says. "I have been tormented and traumatized and terrorized for so long that he has, I think, changed the fiber of my being."

She did not want her full name to be used; NBC identified it only as Lori and obscured its features.

The threats she detailed in court forced her to leave her hometown to leave everyone behind her, for her own safety

that is the root of 39, a number of mass shootings. Whether it's domestic violence or a failed marriage or a guy who has been denied to high school, a twisted and misogynistic series contributes to fueling the violence.

Examples abound:

James Huberty, who killed 21 people in a San Ysidro McDonald in 1984, attacked his wife and killed his family's German Shepherd in the head.

Seung Hui Cho, a Virginia Tech killer, was involved in at least three incidents of harassment against women before murdering 32 people and injuring 17 others. 2007.

Before killing three people and injuring nine in 2015 at a Colorado abortion clinic, Robert Dear was charged with physical abuse by at least two of his three ex-wives [19659012] Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people. at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in June 2016, physically abused his wife for years, beating her for things like not finishing the laundry.

Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old man arrested in Parkland, Florida, was reportedly killed discouraged after a breakup in a turbulent relationship, and a school official told the New York Times that he was obsessed by another girl "to the point of stalking her."

And who can forget Elliot Rodger, who left a manifesto with horror as to why his 2014 carnage that killed six people in Isla Vista, California, was a punishment for all the women who rejected him? .

Five hours after the first blows that broke the glass doors of the editorial office, we read the details of the column and lawsuit that launched the Ramos vendetta with the Gazette.

Ramos, now 38, was a federal employee when he sued a former classmate online. He thanked her for being the only one to be kind to him in the cruel ecosystem of high school. She did not remember him, but she was kind and answered

Quickly, the online conversation became cruel and threatening when she did not answer as he wanted.

"But when it seemed like it was turning into something that gave me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, it seemed to think that there was some kind of relationship that did not exist … I tried to move it slowly away, and he just started getting angry and becoming vulgar to the point where I had to tell him to d & # 39; stop, "said the woman to the judge, according to the column that dealt with the case in a 2011 edition of Capital Gazette.

" And he did not agree with that. He was sending me things and basically telling me: "You're going to need a restriction order now." & # 39; You can not make me stop. I know everything about you in your life.

Ramos turned his anger on the author of this column, Eric Thomas Hartley, and the newspaper. Ramos lost the defamation lawsuit he filed

There is the model: abuse, denial, embarrassment, rage.

That's exactly what happened in Santa Fe, Tex., Six weeks ago, said Sadie Rodriguez. of 10 people killed in another school massacre. I know you are losing track of them. This is the one that arrived in May.

His daughter, Shana Fisher, had been the third wheel. Remember these arrangements? When does a BFF get a BAE, and that both become three, and sometimes it's clumsy?

According to the mother, who told me, through fresh tears on Sunday morning, Dimitrios Pagourtzis moved on BFF, his daughter

"Four months before the shooting, he imposed himself at Shana, he tried to kiss her, "she said. "She's extremely shy, when you talk to her, she looks down and smiles, her ears would turn red, she was so shy." Shana dismissed Dimitrios, disgusted that his best friend's boyfriend had tried that.

This rejection, Rodriguez says, has turned into four months of harassment. Sometimes it was so bad that she called her mother just before the art class – the class she shared with the boy – pretending to be sick so that she could be picked up and do not face him.

Finally, she got up in class one day and told her out loud to leave her alone. It was humiliating for him, she said. The shooting followed. It was in the art room.

"My daughter is the only one to have received two bullets, once on the side, then point blank in the head, it's hate, he hated it," Rodriguez said.

The case is still under investigation and the police said that Dimitrios did not remember anything since the day of the shooting. His father said that he was the one who was bullied at school, and investigators did not confirm that Dimitrios was targeting Shana. But it was enough for Rodriguez to hear his name often.

"I'm fighting," she says. "Listen to your children, you think that it will not happen, so it is, listen, listen."

That's what Mildred Muhammad says to himself every time another shootout occurs.

"Nobody wants to listen when it's time to listen," she told me last year, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary. Muhammad and I talked last fall while another shootout was taking place, this time in California, where the authorities said that a man identified as Kevin J. Neal shot people over the along the way. at the local elementary school, killing five and wounding 10.

"Just wait for that," said Mildred. "The connection."

And, of course, he was there. Neal, the police said, had killed his wife and hid her body in the floor before the rampage.

Twitter: @petulad

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