Tornado warning interrupts "This is Us" in preview in Detroit area, fans are outraged


"This Is Us" has become a must for millions of Americans, who look forward to watching – and crying during the television series. The new season of family drama began on NBC Tuesday night, but some fans were more devastated by what they do not have see.

A tornado warning in the Detroit metro area coincided with the much-anticipated premiere of season 3 of "It's us," and the show was interrupted by local news. This is the normal procedure for news stations, but some fans were livid and did not want to hear it. Many took on Twitter to express their frustrations after missing the first few minutes of the first episode, which began at 9pm.

"I do not care if there's a tornado – I want to watch This Is Us !!" a fan wrote on Twitter.

According to Detroit Free Press, storms and at least one tornado hit the region on Monday and Tuesday. But for fans of "This Is Us", missing the first minutes of the first of the season was tied with hearing a spoiler on how Jack died.

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