Toy Story 4: Keanu Reeves plays a new character


Tim Allen revealed that Keanu Reeves plays a new character in Toy Story 4. It was the original Toy Story movie that launched Pixar's beloved computer animation movie series until 1995 and won three Oscar nominations for his efforts. The animation studio has grown by leaps and bounds since then, as has the Toy Story the property itself. Pixar 's franchise now includes no less than three critically acclaimed movies, a handful of special TV specials, video game couplings and everything in between.

Next door is Toy Story 4, a project officially announced by Pixar in 2014. Since then, the film has changed a lot, between the original director John Lasseter and the studio rejecting the essential of the first Toy Story 4 script project after his departure. The film is now blocked by On the upside co-author Josh Cooley and follows Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie and the rest of the Toy Story gang on a road adventure that "will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy". Woody will be accompanied by old and new friends, including a character played by John Wick himself.

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Allen revealed that Reeves plays a character in Toy Story 4 during his appearance in The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon this week. He also provided a taste of what the Reeves character will look like in the movie:

"New guys who are great.Keanu Reeves has a great role.In fact, a little inside story, even he said (a kind and wonderful guy that he is)" That sounds like too much to Buzz Lightyear. "And his character has an advantage to that."

Reeves is only the last actor to confirm a new character in Toy Story 4. Forky (Tony Hale), a craft project turned into sporks that gains in sensitivity after Bonnie, the current owner of the toy, gives her a face and arms, but insists that it's not a real toy. Forky was officially introduced at the first Toy Story 4 trailer that went live last week. This overview was quickly followed by the publication of a second Toy Story 4 Teaser that focuses on two other newcomers in the film: the carnival toys Ducky and Bunny, as expressed by Keegan Michael-Key and Jordan Peele.

Even knowing just who he is playing, Reeves is definitely a welcome addition to Toy Story 4 discard. This will be the first major animation film role for the actor (not to mention his performance in Richard Linklater A dark scanner and the voice is working on L & # 39; host) and Reeves' rare family offering, which has mainly worked on projects aimed at an adult audience in recent years (such as the John Wick series or The neon demon). Here is to hope his role in Toy Story 4 is important; or, at the very least, represents more than just a cameo.

PLUS: Should we worry about Toy Story 4?

Source: The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

Key release dates

  • Toy Story 4 (2019) release date: June 21, 2019

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