Toy Story 4 Trailer Reveals New Characters (& Defends Sequel)


A second teaser trailer for Toy Story 4 Ducky and Bunny. Tea Toy Story franchise is undoubtedly one of the most popular films in the world, as well as a hugely lucrative and successful property for Pixar and Disney. After the first two movies hit theaters in the 1990s, fans had to wait until 2010 for Buzz and Woody's third adventure and it was initially thought that their story would be a trilogy, a fourth installment was officially announced in 2014.

In the four years since then, Toy Story 4's production has been typically secretive and other than confirmation of the last few years. That was until yesterday, when you released a trailer Toy Story 4. The clip introduced by Tony Hale, Forky, who was clearly very concerned about being lumped in with toys. A brief plot synopsis was also unveiled and suggested that this anxious utensil will lead Woody and the gang on an exciting new journey.

Related: Toy Story 4 Is The Beginning Of A New Story For Woody

Disney have released a second teaser trailer for Toy Story 4 that introduces another two new faces. The teaser sees carnival toys Ducky (Michael Keegan-Key) and Bunny (Jordan Peele) Toy Story movie and performing character impressions, before Woody and Buzz comes to show them how it's done. A new press release reveals how these characters play into the story, reading:

"Woody's journey in Toy Story 4 where he meets Ducky and Bunny, two carnival prizes who are eager to be won.But when their plans are rudely interrupted by Woody and his friends, they find themselves on an unexpected adventure with a group of toys who have no idea what it feels like to be tackled to a prize wall. "

A selection of new character posters have also been released:

While Pixar will not be winning any awards for inventive character names (Ducky, Bunny, Fork …), the clip certainly retains that same familiar Toy Story brand of sharp wit and intelligent humor and the new toys Toy Story 3 Brilliantly meta was a few minutes ago that could not get away with.

With a carnival Toy Story 4, fans may be reminded of the first movie's Pizza Planet arcade scene, which memorably introduced The Claw and its three-eyed aliens. However, the suggested discord between the loved ones Toy Story 4 a film can be explored in the movie and can be played on a movie.

Naturally, all Toy Story fans are going to be terrified that the fourth movie will see the franchise finally run out of steam and fall quietly into the realm of somewhat disappointing Pixar sequels. Goal Toy Story has already defied the odds by producing three movies of exceptional quality – something virtually unheard of in the world of cinema as a whole – and if any franchise can deliver a fourth film that is as much loved as its predecessors, it's surely this one.

More: What Is The Toy Story 4 Teaser Trailer?

Source: Disney Pixar

Key Release Dates

  • Toy Story 4 (2019) release date: Jun 21, 2019

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