Toy Story 4 – Will THIS lead character be KILLED OFF? | Films | Entertainment


The actors have been speaking about how emotional the finale is, and we know that the story is meaty enough to even warrant another sequel.

And with the poster looking somewhat poignant, many are legitimately concerned that one familiar face won’t survive until the end credits.

So are we soon to see the end of Woody?

“If Woody dies in this I’m suing Pixar for causing emotional distress!” wrote one fan on Twitter.

“Woody dies, I’m calling it #ToyStory4,” posted another.

After reading Hanks’ cryptic words about the film’s ending, someone else tweeted: “The only thing I can think of… could Woody possibly ‘die’?

“I will be a total mess during this movie. If Tom Hanks can’t get through it, I don’t stand a fighting chance. #ToyStory4.”

Hanks had said: “It was the first time that we were going to be recording the end of the movie, and Toy Story [4] is going to have an impactful ending.

“The way you record Toy Story, you’re in a room with the team that has created it.

“When I went in for my last day of recording, I wanted to have my back to them, because usually, you’re facing him so he can look right up and you can talk about it.

“But I didn’t want to see them and pretend they couldn’t see me.”

He said that it will be a “moment in history” when it hits cinemas.

Tim Allen, who voices Buzz Lightyear, had said similar things.

“It is so emotional, it’s so funny, it’s so big the idea of what they’ve come up with,” he teased.

“I’m startled. [Toy Story 3] was, I thought, amazing. This, I couldn’t even get through the last scene.”

“A couple of the scenes toward the end were really hard to get through.”

In addition to yesterday’s teaser, another has been unveiled today – introducing the characters Ducky and Bunny.

An official description reads: “Ducky and Bunny are carnival prizes who are eager to be won. But when their plans are rudely interrupted, they find themselves on an unexpected adventure with a group of toys who have no idea what it feels like to be tacked to a prize wall.

“Funny men Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele provide the voices of Ducky and Bunny, respectively.”

Toy Story 4 is out June 21, 2019.

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