Toys 'R' Us Cancels Auction of Geoffrey the Giraffe, Comeback Plans



Toys "R" Us plans to come back as a wholesale business. Araya Diaz / Getty Images

Bankrupted retail chain Toys "R" Us "" "" "" "R" Us and Babies "R" Us, its iconic mascot Geoffrey the Giraffe and a long list of domain names, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The Rs Us, Solus Alternative Asset Management, a propos de la version française a propos de la version française Us brands, the documents show.

The new venture, named Geoffrey's Toy Box, is currently seeking partners to carry out a "shop-within-a-shop" concept in November, according to trade publication The Toy Book, quoting Richard Barry, head of global merchandising at Geoffrey LLC, a subsidiary of Toys "R" Us which owns the company's intellectual property rights.

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The 70-year-old Toys "R" Us filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in September 2017 after lackluster. The company closed 735 stores in the U.S.

The exit of Toys "R" Us left $ 11 billion in the U.S. market and a long list of valuable intellectual property assets up for grab. The bankruptcy was originally scheduled for August 1, but was postponed when the time came around.

The brand set for revival, Geoffrey 's Toy Box, introduced itself to the opening of the Dallas Toy Show on Tuesday, according to USA Today. In a brochure, the company describes itself as a "wholesale toy distributor and intellectual property company whose focus is on popular play patterns and trusted brands that kids and parents love."

Toys 'R' Us Is not Selling Geoffrey the Giraffe, Plans Comeback in November

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