Masters are a tradition unlike any other. The match will be an event like no other.

After months of hype and trashy speeches, it's time for Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson to put their money in their mouths. A tan oasis in the middle of the Las Vegas desertWoods and Mickelson are about to go to the majestic Shadow Creek with $ 9 million.

The match-play event is something that the world of golf – or the world of sport, has never seen. If the $ 19.99 pay-per-view price was too high for you, Adam Woodard and Martin Rogers of USA TODAY Sports are here to follow the game and highlight the highlights. The pleasure starts at 15h ET.

Hole 1

Cupcakes and muffins are carefully placed on the table near the first tee, just in case Tiger or Phil – or anyone else – is hungry. As if we had not eaten enough yesterday.


Woods went to Shadow Creek at 8:56 am local time, while Mickelson arrived a little over an hour later, at 9:53. The trashy conversation started on the green, with Tiger appearing in his Sunday red classic.

"Did you decide to leave with red today?" asked Mickelson.

Woods' answer to Lefty, who wears his all-black signature: "Black is very thin."

Woods and Mickelson both manipulated the mic pack on the back of their pants during their putting sessions. Could be a comfort problem and will probably take some time to get used to.

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