Trailer "Pet Sematary": Jason Clarke resurrects Stephen King's classic


John Lithgow and Amy Seimetz co-perform the second film adaptation of King's novel.

Stephen King's "Pet Sematary" is officially resurrected in the first trailer of the Paramount-backed horror film. The film, adapted by Jeff Buhler from King's horror novel in 1983, is the latest film directed by the Starry Eyes duo Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer.

"Pet Sematary" stars Jason Clarke as Louis Creed, a doctor who moves his family from the big city to the countryside. Amy Seimetz, the favorite of Indie, plays the role of Rachel Creed, the wife of Louis. When their son is killed in a car accident, Louis and Rachel bury the body in a pet cemetery and soon discover that their son has been resurrected in a demonic form.

The horror film by Kölsch and Widmyer is the second adaptation of King's novel on the big screen, following the 1989 film of Mary Lambert starring Dale Midkiff as Louis. King made a splash in movies and television after the resounding success of Warner Bros. '"It" last year. Hulu was successful this year with his series inspired by King "Castle Rock".

Paramount Pictures will open "Pet Sematary" in theaters on December 20, 2019. Watch the first trailer.

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