Trailers & Avengers 4 & # 39; will not include these Marvel characters


The events of Avengers: the war to infinity brought disastrous consequences for the most beloved characters in the Marvel film universe, but some viewers found their deaths hard to believe while keeping in mind Avengers 4 would hit the theaters a year later. MCU President Kevin Feige, however, timidly played to see if the characters will come back or not and, speaking of how the film's commercials will market the film, claimed that the missing characters will not appear in promotional materials.

When io9 Feige asked if a character like Black Panther might appear in a trailer, Feige denied that he would show up, citing, "Because he's gone."

Once Thanos built his Infinity glove, he broke his fingers and instantly killed half the population of the universe. This included dozens of beloved MCU heroes, leaving Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Nebula, Rocket, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Okoye and M & # 39; Baku as survivors. The fates of Hawkeye, Ant-Man and Wasp are unclear because they were not present in War in the infinite.

Compared to the number of characters that appeared in the promotional documents War in the infinite, Avengers 4 There will be a drastic decrease, although the number of surviving heroes exceeds the number of previous Marvel teams.

Feige then confessed that, if the film's marketing will be tricky, it will not be impossible, given the expertise of Disney and its marketing team.

"We are working with the best marketing team in the world with Disney, so I can not wait to see how they start putting [the marketing] together, "admitted Feige.

Another tricky marketing issue that the MCU will have to handle is that Spider-Man: far from home hits the theaters two months later Avengers 4, with their marketing campaigns overlapping to a certain extent. Feige tried to dismiss these concerns by questioning about the events of the Spider-Man movie.

"Well, when will this movie take place?" Feige thinks. "We know it's been summer, I think it's the summer holidays, I think he's going to Europe with his friends, I do not know which one." summer … I mean, I know [but you don’t]"

Avengers: the war to infinity Writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely addressed the situation last month, noting the difficulties of creating a movie and the inherent complications of public foresight.

"It's a good question and it's certainly the most important question regarding public expectations and you know too much about how Hollywood works or broadcasts things like that, it hurts your pleasure of the film? " McFeely asked during an interview with collider. "We can not make movies for people who read Variety, you know what I mean?"

Fans will discover next year how the marketing team handles these tricky situations.

Avengers: the war to infinity is in theaters now. Spider-Man: far from home The sequel opens on July 5, 2019.

From other upcoming movies from Marvel Cinematic Universe Ant-Man and the wasp July 6th, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers film on May 3, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.

Do you think that the promotional material will be able to keep the secret of the film's plot? Let us know in the comments below!

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