Trauma costs inflate ED bills; The point of view of the CDC Chief; Shortage of painkillers in hospitals


The bills collected by the emergency services (ED) show that the costs of trauma are expensive and vary widely; the head of the CDC has changed views in opposing the use of condoms and syringe distribution programs as a means of stopping the spread of sexually transmitted diseases; Emergency services across the country are struggling with shortages of painkillers and heart medications.

Trauma costs inflate emergency service bills

The emergency services bills collected by Vox and Kaiser Health News show that trauma charges, billed by trauma centers when they activate and assemble a team capable of treating a patient with potentially serious injuries to patients. emergencies, are expensive and highly variable. Fees are charged in addition to other hospital fees. The fees ranged from $ 1,112 in a Missouri hospital to $ 50,659 in a California hospital.

CDCs are now in favor of condoms, needle exchanges to stop the spread of HIV

Robert Redfield Jr., MD, head of the CDC, told the Associated Press his views on the opposition of condoms and needle exchange programs as ways to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases have changed. Until this year, Ms. Redfield has served on the Board of Directors of Children's AIDS Fund International, an organization that has long prioritized pre-marital abstinence to prevent the spread of of HIV. He said it's now clear to him that "the data is just clear that these strategies work."

Hospitals struggle with shortages of painkillers, drugs for heart disease

Emergencies across the country are struggling with shortages of painkillers and heart medications, The New York Times . Medical staff observe patients suffering from pain or reactions to alternative medications that are not the best option. Pfizer, which manufactures many drugs, warned that manufacturing problems at some of its plants will reduce the supply of many of its products until next year.

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Robert Redfield, Researcher on AIDS 19659010]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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