Travel ban: no anti-Muslim, not unprecedented


Protesters in Supreme Court Following Judgment Confirming Trump Administration's Travel Ban, June 26, 2018. (Leah Millis / Reuters)

Yet Another Liberal Narrative collapse into a pile of lies

When the US Supreme Court decided Tuesday to approve the president's so-called "Muslim ban," the leftist's reaction was typically predictable, pathetic and can: "Trump is racist!"

  • the Muslim ban, the US Supreme Court has sided with a racist and xenophobic attack against Muslims and immigrants, "exclaimed Johanna Calle, director of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice. "Banning travelers and refugees from Muslim-majority countries is part of Trump's administration policies against immigrant communities from the beginning."
  • 5-4 court decision, Representative Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) Told NBC News "Confers legitimacy to discrimination and Islamophobia". He told CNN: "In the 1850s, the Supreme Court declared that it was acceptable to possess a black person." It was the decision Dred Scott . the trash can of history … and this one will do it too. "
  • Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin, of Illinois, told CNN that" the bottom line of this Unfortunately, the policy was to suggest that countries with a large Muslim population were not welcome in the United States. "

Despite the cries of" racism "from the left, which are now incessant, this policy has not been adopted. It has nothing to do with Islamophobia, and it has never been the case.It is about American national security and counterterrorism

A real hate-motivated Muslim ban would include all or the majority of the 51 predominantly Muslim nations of the Earth.In fact, a total of five Muslim-majority country is restricted: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.

North Korea is an officially atheist state with a pre-Communist history steeped in Confucianism. not Islam. Some Venezuelan travelers are also proscribed. Like North Korea, Venezuela is neither Middle Eastern nor predominantly Islamic. Pew Research reports that it is about 73% Catholic and 17% Protestant. Venezuela is 0.3% Muslim

These travel restrictions have nothing to do with Islam and all that relates to the protection of the United States against the citizens of the countries infested by the Terrorism

suggests one of two things: Either President Trump hates atheists and Catholics infused with Confucianism almost as much as he hates Muslims, or, again, these travel restrictions have not nothing to do with Islam and everything about protecting the United States from citizens of countries infested with terrorism who can not or do not want to help the US authorities to subdue their own nationals who want to enter America.

The majority opinion of John Roberts defeats the speech of the left on "anti-Muslim fanaticism". percent of the world's Muslim population, "said the chief justice," a truly Islamophobic reform would certainly make more effort, and neither Indonesia nor Pakistan are on this list. " the two most populous countries of Islam, as absurd as hating French speakers and thus limiting travelers from Haiti and Togo, but welcoming the French and Canadians.

  • Roberts also recalls that " Three Muslim-majority countries: Iraq, Sudan and Chad. "Iraq is an important ally in the struggle to defeat ISIS, with their brave soldiers fighting in close coordination with the United States." "This comprehensive study of last month has identified multiple security measures that the State Department and the Iraqi government will implement to achieve our common goal of: preventing those who have criminal intent or errorist to reach the United States. "

    " The Iraqi Foreign Ministry Exp says he is deeply relieved by the decree of US President Donald Trump, which excludes Iraqis from the ban on traveling to the United States, said the spokesman from the Foreign Ministry Ahmad Jamal. "This is an important step in the right direction that strengthens and strengthens the strategic alliance between Baghdad and Washington in many areas, especially the fight against terrorism." [19659008] Last April, the White House announced that "the Republic of Chad has sufficiently improved its identity management and information-sharing practices to meet the basic security standard of the United States. United. Chadian nationals will therefore be able to receive visas again to travel to the United States. "

    These actions hardly reflect anti-Muslim hatred."

    • Roberts adds that "restrictions on entry to Muslim-majority nations are limited to countries". Obama, who selected seven Islamo-majority nations for heightened vigilance: initially Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Syria, and two months later, Libya, Somalia, and the United States. Yemen too.

    People who have traveled from or through these "countries of concern," as they are officially called, have been under increased scrutiny since December 2015. Donald J. Trump was not president at the time. Indeed, as reported by CNN's anti-Trump on January 30, 2017: "The seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by President Trump's immigration executive order were initially identified as" country of origin ". worry " under the Obama administration . (Italics added.) According to the logic of the left, the compilation of this list of "countries of concern" would make Barack Hussein Obama an anti-Muslim fanatic

    Once again, the fact that the left passes From scratch to racism a few seconds after Tuesday's Supreme Court ruling confirms that the Democratic choir has only one anthem in its missal. How sad. What ugliness.

    Deroy Murdock

    Deroy Murdock is a contributor to Fox News based in Manhattan and a senior editor of National Review Online .

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